Chapter 29.

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Jade's POV.

I woke to the sound of Tori pushing the door open, blinking a few times I saw it was a little after three in the morning, the room was pitch black minus the small amount of light coming through the crack in the bathroom door.


"Shh, go back to sleep babe. Just coming in to put things on the charger," she said slipping into bed beside me.

"Where'd you go?"

"Just to get some water," she said before kissing my cheek, curling against me as I rolled onto my side.


When I woke the next morning, Tori wasn't in bed, which is strange cause she always wakes me for school. Her alarm was going off on the bedside table.

I rolled to her side of the bed, slapping her phone so it would shut up and pushed myself off the bed.

I listened out for her, frowning when I couldn't hear her in the bathroom.

"Tori?" I huffed, pulling an over-sized shirt on along with some underwear before making my way downstairs after grabbing my phone.

"Tori, seriously, where the hell are you?" I grumbled and noticed a note on the kitchen table beside a coffee cup that was steaming.

Frowning, I set my phone down beside the note and picked it up.

"Jade, I will be back in time to pick you up for school. Be ready. I love you. Yours always, Tori."

I read aloud and pouted, grabbing the coffee and taking a sip of it before looking down at my phone to see a message on the screen.

Tori: New Message. (23Mins Ago)

Swiping my phone unlocked, I smiled at the message.

It was only a simple 'I love you', but it made my heart skip.


I sat on the couch, dressed and ready to go both our phones and my bag with me so we could leave as soon as Tori got here and heard the rumble of my car idling in the driveway.

I stood, slinging my bag onto my shoulder, making my way over to the door when I saw Tori push it open, smiling at me with two large cups of Jet Brew in a cardboard tray.

"Hi!" She kissed my cheek and handed me the tray before running into the downstairs bathroom, yelling out to go wait in the car.

I frowned, grabbing one of the cups, taking a sip of it, standing at the door instead of going outside.

"Tori, where the hell were you?" I asked, leaning across the hall of the doorway, waiting for Tori to come back out of the bathroom.

"Tyson needed help with something," she called out over the sounds of the toilet flushing and the sink turning on. "Did you grab my phone? I forgot it in my hurry this morning," she said as she pulled the door open, trying her hands on her jeans.

"Yeah, it's in my bag, are you okay? You're very awake right now," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Just had a lot of coffee, I finished three already this morning," she said, reaching for the other cup in the tray I was holding, but I held it up out of her reach, smirking.

"Pay the toll if you want it," I said, watching as her eyes flickered to my lips and back to the cup.

She stepped forward, gripping my shirt, bunching it in her hands before pulling me into a kiss that knocked the breath out of my lungs. "I love you, Jade," she said softly, giving me a few soft pecks over my lips, cheek and the tip of my nose.

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