Chapter 3.

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Tori's POV.


I looked down at my phone just as Vince came through the curtains to the changing rooms and smiled widely at me.

"Caramel!" He said happily, making me look over at him. "You made Showgirl of the month again," he told me and my eyebrows raised in shock.

"I've been here three months, and I've made it there a second time?" I questioned him.

"The votes don't lie. Your double act is a hit!"

I couldn't help but feel giddy, butterflies erupting in my stomach just the way they did when Jade always looked at me.

Shaking out of my thoughts, I stood up after setting my phone back on the dressing table and patted him on the shoulder. "Is my set ready?"

"Sure is, sweet cheeks," he said, pinching my cheek lightly and I couldn't help but smile.

I never meant to be working at a strip club for long, but I felt a rush when I performed.

Sure, I lied to Jade and let her believe that I'd only just started, but she didn't need to know that I actually landed the job three and a half months ago.

Vince caught me singing in the grocery store while waiting to pay for my basket full of things and if he weren't a handsome man, I would have ignored him. He told me about how he could pay me to sing in front of people, and keep whatever tip money they gave me.

I told him I'd think about it as he handed me a card with all the information on it and we went our separate ways after that.

That was until I caught Trina taking money from my bag that I left in my locker while I went to the bathroom.

I called him up that afternoon and was asked to come down to the place and see it. I lied to my parents and Trina about just going out to see my friends.

When I got to the building, it took me by surprise, but Vince reassured me that I didn't have to dance, I could just sing.

And that's how it started. It only lasted six weeks before I caved and asked him to allow me to dance also. He hesitated, not thinking I was ready, but after pulling out my trusty Fake ID and showing him I was of age and more than ready, he allowed it.

Quickly, I became a requested act. With my singing and dancing, I made a few of the other workers jealous at how quickly I reached the top. It didn't bother me though.


Pulling myself back to reality as the announcer called me out, I walked out on stage, pulling a headset on, adjusting the microphone to be closer to my mouth and stepped up to the pole.

After my first act, I walked back through to the dressing room, pulling the headset off my head and rubbing behind my ear where it would press and cause me slight discomfort. I set it over on its hook and turned towards my dresser, smiling when I saw one of the other ladies already counting a decent amount of cash.

"Hey Ruby," I smiled, looking at the blonde.

"Caramel, nice set. You sing professionally?"

"Uh- It's not really a profession yet, I mean... I've done the national anthem. Sort of," I shrugged.

"I thought you looked familiar!" She chirped before standing up and patting me on the shoulder as she passed me. "Keep it up. You're gonna be big someday soon, I feel it."

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