Chapter 8.

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Jade's POV.

I had no idea what I was doing right now, but I could not control myself. I know I shouldn't be touching Tori like this. But I felt so much peace with her.

I didn't expect my damn hormones to come into play when I went to tickle her.

But now, I was having trouble pulling away from her.

I know I really needed to.

The pancakes were surely cold by now. The fruit would be going bad sitting out like this. But I can't pull away.

Before I could register what I was doing, I inhaled the safety-net that was her scent. Vanilla. Sugar-cookies. And I couldn't quite place the other smell that was there, but I know it was all her.

It wasn't fair.

Tori literally smelled like a damn treat, and I'm fighting my inner-self right now. Fighting myself so that I don't devour her.

God, I wonder what she tastes like.

I tightened my hold on her fingers and gave in, pressing my lips to the base of her neck.

The small sigh she let go, the tightening of her own fingers, the way I could feel her body relax and if I wasn't holding her, I'm sure her legs would have given way beneath her.

Letting go of the hand that we had resting on her side, I used our outstretched arms to pull her in closer and make her face me.

There was a hesitancy in our movements, my hands coming up to cup her cheeks slowly while hers rested on my hips.

I leaned in slowly, and she gave the smallest nod to me, letting me know that it was okay.

So I gave in.

I kissed her.

Gently at first, but it quickly became so much more. The song playing from my PearPod that was in the kitchen on the dock made me think of the irony.

But I quickly focused on the way Tori's hands were gripping the hem of my shirt.

"So I'm finally where I wanna be, and I can't feel my legs. At the borders of reality, and I'm tripping over the edge." Matt Wood's smooth song cocooned us.

My hands slipped from her cheeks and held the back of her neck as she stepped us towards the couch.

Boy, was I more than okay with the move.

My knees hit the edge of it, and our lips were torn apart for barely a second when I grabbed the first thing I could- the knot in Tori's robe - pulling her down onto me as I laid back, her straddling my thighs as she pushed for the kiss to deepen.

"Like Love, I just died in your arms. There's no better way to go, I just died in your arms, and I thought you should know that.

You don't have to save me every time, just leave me in the dark. You don't have to save me every time, let me lose my heart, my heart, my heart."

I quickly felt her hands sliding up my sides under my shirt, and I felt alight. Her nails then dragged back down over my ribs like she was running the stick over a xylophone, instead of chiming keys, soft moans were pulled from my lips.

"Now the waters of the open sea, they're inviting me in. Till the waves are crashing over me, then I forget how to swim.

Like Love, I just died in your arms. There's no better way to go

I just died in your arms, and I thought you should know that."

This song was getting to me. Her lips were pressed their way down my neck before she stopped and her tongue darting out across my earlobe.

"F-Fuck," I stuttered out, and my nails clawed their way up the backs of her thighs, pulling her impossibly closer to me.

"You don't have to save me every time, just leave me in the dark. You don't have to save me every time, let me lose my heart, my heart, my heart."

Tori's lips crashed back into mine as she shifted her weight briefly and ended up straddling one of my thighs while her thigh pressed right up between my legs.

And. Oh. God. That moan.

Tori was moaning as she rolled her hips against me.

"They'll never know. Tell me you love me. Just what it means. Tell me you understand, oh. They'll never know. Tell me you love me, oh, Just what it means.

You don't have to save me every time

Just leave me in the dark

You don't have to save me every time

Let me lose my heart, my heart, my heart."

The final bars of the song finished and I felt like I was just about ready to finish with it.

I know I'm not dreaming because her teeth were gently biting down on my lip as I shifted my leg up onto the couch a bit more. The sound falling from her lips set me on fire as my thigh pressed firmly between her legs, the only thing separating us were her panties.

"Jade," she breathlessly said, and, FUCK her lust-filled voice was a huge turn-on.

I'm suddenly glad I didn't put tights on under my skirt this morning. Because her hand is tracing light patterns over my thigh, her nails were causing a tingle to shoot up my body.

"Tori," I whimpered- wait... What? I've never felt so out of control in my life. And with her, I'm wholeheartedly ready to surrender.

"You okay?" She asked, pulling away from my neck to look into my eyes.

I blinked slowly, nodding as I bit my lip.

"Y-Yeah," I smiled, leaning up on my elbows to catch her lips once more, softly, savoring the moment. "There's no rush," I said, watching her swallow, hesitantly written all over her face, but she nodded anyway.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a small frown.

"I-I'm great. I've been waiting to do that since-" she pretended to check her watch, looking at her wrist, but she didn't have one. "Oh yeah, the day I met you," that smirk is gonna be the death of me.


AN: Oh no... a short one, I'm terribly sorry.... Not :3
Song used: 'In The Dark' - Matt Woods. (Find it at the top of chapter(: )

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