Chapter 20.

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Tori and Jade had been playing this teasing game for weeks now, working each other up before having to part ways and cool down.

But waking up beside each other this morning, it shouldn't have been any different to waking every other day they've done it, but it was.

There was a whole new spark.

There wasn't rushed touches, there wasn't a need to make this hurry.

There's just them. Just Tori and Jade.

There were gentle caresses, whispered pleas, begging for more.

Jade had Tori pinned to the bed, their eyes connecting and not parting as Tori slipped her hand into the front of Jade's underwear at the goth's breathless begging.

Tori was met with a very pleased noise loudly rumbling up Jade's throat and falling from her lips.

Her heart leapt happily at the sound, so she pressed on, circling Jade's clit slowly, watching the way Jade would roll against her hand, the way her eyes would flutter.

She never wanted this moment to end.

And by the time Jade was thoroughly worked up, panting, rocking against her and almost to the point of crying for joy, Tori stopped.

She stilled her hand, much to the annoyance of her girlfriend, she removed her hand from Jade's underwear and pushed her onto the bed beside her.

Jade looked at her with shock, annoyance, but also a hint of understanding.

She understood if Tori wasn't ready. If she had changed her mind.

That was until Tori stood, facing her, dropping her underwear before climbing back onto the bed and with a look of questioning, Jade nodded slowly, allowing Tori to pull off her own soaked panties.

Tori ducked her head down, pressing kisses over Jade's thighs, getting higher and higher up with each one.

Jade's hand was curled in her hair, tight enough for Tori to know just how badly she wanted this, how badly she needed this.

It was just as much as Tori wanted it.

She looked over the toned stomach that was rising and falling rapidly with Jade's ragged breaths and found the girls back arched ever-so-slightly in a calming state when Tori closed her lips around her clit.

There was a strangled sound that followed, but Tori's mind was lost on the task at hand. She brought a hand up, slipping two fingers into Jade's core, her walls instantly squeezing around them as she pumped them slowly, all while sucking, teasing and brushing her tongue over Jade's clit.

It wasn't too much longer before the goth was crying out her girlfriend's name in ecstasy, her walls clamping tightly around Tori's fingers. Her fingers roughly grabbing at her hair as she arched her back high off the bed - Tori was sure she heard Jade's spine ripple and pop- while Jade held her close to her core. Tori's mouth latched onto her clit, sucking greedily to aid her in climax, making it more intense and last longer.

And it did, Jade's thighs were shaking as she slowly eased back against the bed, her hand hesitantly letting go of Tori's hair, her breathing heavy and fast.

As Tori sat up slowly, carefully pulling her fingers out of Jade's still fluttering walls- making Jade groan, half in protest, half in pleasure - she waited barely a second for Jade's eyes to meet her own before she lifted the coated fingers to her mouth, her own eyes fluttering shut at the sweet taste that was purely Jade.

"Fuck, that is the sexiest thing I've ever fucking seen," Jade said heavily as she tried to catch her breath.

"The sexiest thing I've ever seen is the way your body reacts when I do this," Tori said as she tapped a finger against Jade's clit, her hips bucking to meet the instantly gone digit.

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