Chapter 11.

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Tori's POV.

Doctors ordered bed rest. This sucked. And I'd only been home for one night!

"Jade," I whined when Jade brought me in a tray full of scrambled eggs, bacon, a coffee, and a small vase with a single flower that I didn't know the name of but had seen in the garden just outside the back door.

"Yes, Tori?" She asked with a small smile on her lips as she rested the tray on my legs.

"I've had enough of being in bed, can I please go sit on the couch? Or even on one of the chairs outside? I'm getting cabin fever..." I pouted, and the look on Jade's face along with the way she bit her lip told me that my pout affected her.

"We'll see, eat your breakfast, Tori," she smiled, sitting on her side of the bed... Yeah, she's claimed that side all for herself... She'd all but moved in. She hadn't even gone home, and she was really only supposed to stay a week, but I'm not complaining. I like having her here... Waking up beside her.

My mother called me this morning letting me know that she's glad I'm home and that she heard from a cop at the station about how they thought it wasn't an accident.

I told her to not believe rumors and explained that it was an accident, that I slipped in the kitchen while mucking around with Jade.

She didn't really hesitate with the questions on why Jade was there. I let her know I had a headache and she should just enjoy the rest of her holiday without worrying about me as I was fine.

Besides, I was used to being alone.

My parents always left me with Trina. And now that Trina was about to go off to college, I was about to be alone a whole lot longer.

Mum worked a lot and dad had moved out.

"What're you thinking about?" Jade asked, pulling me out of my thoughts, a cup resting between her hands. Her slender fingers were locking around the cup, cradling it like it was fragile.

But I knew she just loved her coffee.

"How to drug your coffee so I can go lay out in the sun for a while without you worrying so much about me," I said softly and smiled at her as she smirked.

"Finish your breakfast, Vega. Then you can go lay in the sunshine, Sunshine," my heart fluttered at the new nickname, and I blushed lightly before finishing off a piece of bacon.

"Nancy, I say- It's such a beautiful day outside, Dear... What do you say we take a walk?" I asked her in my Walter Swain voice, making her laugh softly.

"A walk around the yard?" She asked, her voice changing to a little bit of a higher pitch.

"And then we shall have dinner with the family, spaghetti tacos?" The hopefulness in my eyes let her know I wasn't joking.

"The boys?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

"Andre, Cat, Beck... Maybe Robbie. If you want him to be there?" I said, my voice going back to normal, no longer playing the part of her husband.

"Fine, but not Spaghetti Tacos, Tor," she said with a smile, resting her hand on my thigh after I shifted the tray to the floor once I'd finished eating.

"Well, what then?"

"I was going to make Italian Sausage Casserole, tonight," and my eyes lit up, my full stomach rumbling at the offer of such a delicious meal.

"Really? That's my fave!" I scooted closer to her, kissing her cheek.

"I know, I asked Trina." She smiled, my heart fluttering.

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