Chapter 26.

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Tori's POV.

It was over a hundred degrees today, and it was only nine in the morning.

Jade was up before I was, and I was met with a breakfast of French toast, juice, and coffee.

Which I happily devoured because yesterday I wasn't feeling well at all, I chalked it up to nerves of the play last night.

By the time we got home after everyone blew off steam at Karaoke Dokie, I was exhausted from not eating.

Which, I explained to Jade last night as we curled in bed after sex. I considered it my ritual to not eat on days I have to perform in front of so many people. I didn't have anything to eat the day I had ended up performing instead of Trina at the Showcase that got me accepted into the school.

I remember performing the night that the groups, Sikowitz and I went out where Andre and I ended up singing to pay for our meal due to Robbie eating all that Caviar. We'd just finished eating, and as soon as the song was over, I ran to the bathroom because of how sick I was from the nerves.

Strange, I know. Working at the club, I have no problems devouring so much food for work. But at school, it's different.

So I ran a bath, fully preparing to relax in it. Play some soft music, listen to Jade sing along if she knew a song... That was thrown out the window when she decided to tease me, somehow making the art of eating strawberries seductive.

Hell, she somehow manages to make scissors seductive.

We ate some of the fruit, relaxing in the water while Jade did hum along to whatever was playing, and then she decided to start a water fight.

We didn't get to bed till after midnight.

The water fight turned into other activities.

Ones that wore me out fairly quickly.

But not enough to not return the favour.

Being too exhausted to move though, I got to enjoy the show of Jade riding my face. Straddling my head.

Crying out my name as I curled my tongue in her.

The feeling of her thighs shaking around my head as she had one hand clenched in my hair and the other was holding tightly to the post of the bed.

I clenched my thighs as I felt Jade's hand sliding into mine and looked over at her, blinking out of my thoughts.

"You okay?" Jade asked, bringing my hand up to her lips, kissing my knuckles.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about last night," I said, smiling when she parked her car across the street from Becks house.

We were all going to the beach today, and it's the perfect weather for it.

She blushed a little and rose an eyebrow.

"Having you ride my face," I whispered and took my seatbelt off, leaning over the centre console to kiss her.

She cupped the back of my neck to keep me close after pulling herself free of her own seatbelt, and we were suddenly broken apart by someone knocking on the window.

Jade growled against my lips and looked past me while I tried to hide a laugh behind my fingers as I turned my head to see Robbie standing there.

"Andre and Beck wanted me to come and ask if you needed help bringing anything to the RV," he said when we opened the door to see what he wanted.

I looked behind him to see Andre and Beck laughing. They apparently knew what we were up to for them to send Robbie over.

A dare, most likely.

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