Chapter 28.

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Tori's POV.

I whined, pulling the blankets over my head as the light was turned on without warning and heard Jade chuckle at my movement.

"Jade," I huffed as she yanked the blankets off my body, the chilly morning air hitting me and making me cold instantly.

"Yes, Vega?" She asked, looking oh so innocent when I opened my eyes to look up at her, already showered and dressed.

"What're you doing?" I pouted and reached for her, but she only took a large step further away from the bed. "Come back to bed, it's so early."

"Got a big drive ahead of us, nap in the car. Come on, shower, change, I'll make pancakes," Jade told me before walking out of the room.


Coming down the stairs, I looked at Jade as she put the plates of pancakes on the table and smiled at me. "Good morning sleeping beauty," she said, and I'm pretty sure this is the most cheerful I've ever seen her.

"You're in a good mood this morning," I said as I sat beside her, taking a sip of the coffee that was still steaming away, fogging up my glasses in the process.

She chuckled, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "I've got a good day planned," was all she said before wiping the steam from my glasses with the sleeve of her shirt before clearly taking in my appearance.

"You only wear your glasses to read or study right?" She asked me, and I nodded, slicing into my pancake with the edge of my fork.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, looking at her with suspicion.

"You look good, Vega." She smirked and winked, making a blush creep up my cheeks.

"Thanks, baby," I said with a smile and kissed her gently. "So what're the plans that involved me getting up before six in the morning... On a Sunday?"

"It's a surprise." She didn't say anything more after that, so I was a little hesitant, but it wasn't like she was reverting back to the old Jade and was about to start being a gank again... At least I hoped not.

"Love you," I said, and she rested a hand on my lower back, leaning in to kiss me again.

"I love you too, now eat up," she said with a grin, and I nodded, continuing to eat the rainbow pancakes she made me.


Jade's hand on my shoulder woke me from the sleep I somehow fell into while she was driving. I don't know how I managed to fall asleep with her music blaring, but it didn't mind.

I looked up at her to see her kind smile, and a hand held out to help me from the car.

I slipped my hand into hers after picking my back-pack up and sliding it on my shoulders, finding it much easier to carry than my usual shoulder-bag.

My heart skipped when I saw the amusement park, the sounds of rides and excited screaming hitting my ears.

"Worth the two-hour drive?" She asked, looking at my face.

"You drove two hours just to take me here? You're the best girlfriend ever!" I jumped at her, and somehow she caught me, her hands gripping my ass to keep me up.

I pressed my lips to Jade's, smiling into the kiss. I love you," I whispered, kissing her again.

"Come on, Tor. Let's go."

She carefully let me go, with enough time for me to put my legs down and took my hand once more, leading me to the gate.

She held up her phone for the worker to see and he scanned the QR code she had displayed before handing us two bracelets.

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