Chapter 13.

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Tori's POV.

Watching Jade take down Kyle was honestly, really sexy.

I tried to ignore the pull I felt towards her, but I couldn't.

So I found myself sitting beside her while we watched Cat. Sometimes, I swear I felt like a mother to Cat. The way Jade and I looked out for her, cared for her.

Like how Jade made sure she didn't climb up on the counter earlier. Or stood up and showed Kyle, Cat's boyfriend, to not ogle us, and to not hurt Cat.

I looked down at my phone as it chimed and smiled, patting Jade's thigh gently to get her attention from the hawk-like gaze she also had on Cat.

"What?" She asked a little annoyed before she blinked, snapping back to the Jade I'd fallen for. Although she was a different type of hot when she was angry. "Sorry," I nodded in understanding. "What's wrong?"

"The guys are all on their way, Andre just texted me saying they're stopping by the store to pick up some snacks. Do you want anything?"

"They're travelling together?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"By the sounds of it, yes."

She grabbed my phone, and I didn't protest, watching her ass as she got up and made her way inside, lifting the phone to her ear.

I turned my attention back to Cat when Jade was out of sight and frowned a little. "Cat, be careful," I said when I saw she was running around the edge of the pool. "You might slip," I said a little calmer when she looked at me, surprised at my almost-angry tone.

I watched as she nodded and the water gun by crouching down at the edge of the pool and giggling as all the bubbles rose to the surface.

"Tori, look... The guns making farty-noises," she giggled more.

I couldn't help but smile at her and nodded.

"One time-" Cat started, and I fazed her out, knowing she was telling yet another story about her brother.


Jade pulled the dishes from the oven and set them on the bench as I watched her from the other side of the kitchen, having not been allowed to help at all during the dinner making process.

Everyone had come inside a little while ago, saying it was getting annoying out there with my old-lady neighbour yelling at us to quieten down every time we laughed.

Jade and I had thrown on something over our bikinis, me opting for just a huge sweatshirt and some shorts whole Jade only had to pull a shirt on as she had short-shorts for the entire day.

"Jade, pleeeeeaaaaseeeeee," Cat asked Jade, looking at her over the top of her phone.

"Cat, I said no," Jade said with a huff. "We're not listening to the stupid Diddly Bops!"

"Sorry, Cat. I have to agree with Jade on this one, why don't you listen to it in the car on the way home?" Andre offered her, and she looked at him confused.

"Because I don't go home till tomorrow," Cat said with a shake of her head. "I'm staying here," she said with a grin. "Tori always lets me sleep over when I have dinner here."

"What?" Jade and I asked at the same time.

"Cat, nowhere in my message did it say you were staying with Tori tonight," Jade said, looking at me before looking at Cat.

"Yeah, Cat... I-"

"Tori needs to get up early tomorrow for a job interview," Beck said out of nowhere, and I looked over at him thankfully.

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