Chapter 5.

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A/N: Sorry, I've been working on future chapters and got side-tracked.
Just a quick reminder here- ANY AND ALL MISTAKES ARE MINE.

That is all, thank you... Enjoy the read :)


Tori's POV.

"Do you want me to go?" I heard Jade ask when we stepped inside my house.

I frowned at the thought of her leaving and shook my head. "No, why would you think that?"

"Because I can tell that I've made you angry," she said and it was like a splash of freezing water was thrown at me.

"You didn't," I said softly and turned to face her properly. "Even if you did, it doesn't mean you should leave. Walking away wouldn't help with the anger," I told her before tilting my head a little in ways of getting her to follow me up to my room. I glanced at her from the top of the stairs, she grabbed her laptop from the coffee table before she followed me.

"We're okay?" She asked when we got to my bedroom.

I couldn't help but smile at the way she asked the question, almost as if she were afraid of the answer. "We're fine, Jade. I promise."

I made my way to the bathroom after dropping my bag at the end of my bed and grabbed my make-up wipes, cleaning my face free of all the foundation and eye makeup I had on. I hated wearing makeup...  I don't know why I bothered with it, but it was only for work that I used it. 

I turned my head when I saw Jade leaning against the door frame, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror before I made a move to face her.

"Sorry, do you need the bathroom?" I asked.

"No, I was just going to brush my teeth," She said and smiled, stepping behind me to grab the still-in-its-package toothbrush I'd gotten out for her earlier.

I was about to step out of the way entirely when she trapped me against the sink, my lower back pressing against the granite counter-top.

"You missed a bit," she whispered, grabbing the wipe from my hand and swiping it across the streak of foundation left along my jaw.

My breath hitched at how delicate she was in the moment, and I brought my lower lip in between my teeth, holding it there, afraid to break the moment. My eyes were drawn up to hers, and I felt my heart skip and stutter, almost as if it had tripped. And I'm sure it did. She was stunning, and when she was tired like I could tell she was now, her eyes had the smallest hint of brown around the edges of the oceanic blue-green they usually were.

My cheeks felt warm, and I'm sure that I was blushing. But Jade said nothing about it if I were. "Come on, let's do our teeth and watch a movie," I said, "you can choose," I smiled, knowing that would help her agree with my idea.

"Can we watch-"

"The Scissoring?" I smirked, and she looked stunned before nodding.

"I wasn't going to say that, I don't even think you'd like it, but let's watch it," Jade said, smiling brightly.

"But I'm probably going to fall asleep, so can we watch it in bed?" I asked, twisting my hair around my fingers.

"Sure, Vega," there's that smile again, my stomach twisted at the sight and I smiled back at her.


By the time we'd settled in bed to watch the movie, it was nearing three in the morning. We'd gotten distracted with making popcorn and ended up with half the popcorn thrown at each other over the kitchen counter.

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