Chapter 4.

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Tori watched Jade from across the crowded room, her eyes never straying from that dark corner as she did her performance. The slow seductive song mixed with the teasing performance of the brunette against the pole had Jade drooling.

She was just thankful that Tori could only see that she was sitting there and not being able to make out her facial expressions.

The performance ended with Tori sliding down the pole slowly and landing with her legs split straight out across the stage.

Patrons were going wild over the performance, begging Tori for more, but the next act was already stepping out onto the stage, all dolled up in a 'cow-girl' outfit. If one could call it that.

The hat and boots were the only indicators of what she was trying to be as she wore a plaid cut-up button cup that ended just below her breast.

Tori made her way off the stage as the music started up and went to the changing rooms, pulling her tips from her panties before putting them in her bag with the rest of them.

She then pulled her short-shorts on and a tank-top before making her way out of the dressing rooms with her phone in hand.

She waved to Tyson who was pouring drinks, and he nodded back to her before watching as she made her way across the floor to the booth where Jade was seated.

"Hi," Jade said, looking up from her beer where she'd been picking the corner of the label off slowly.

"You okay?" Tori asked, finding that Jade wasn't meeting her eyes.

"Better now that I don't have to see you practically naked on the stage," Jade said, and there was a bite to her words that made Tori's heart pang painfully.

"That bad?"

"No, you were amazing. I just- You've become a good friend, Tori."

"Oh, you just don't wanna see me naked, I get it," Tori nodded and chuckled, signalling a waitress that was walking past their table. "Two beers and a menu for my friend, please, Sarah," Tori said softly, and the tiny brunette nodded and made her way over to the bar.

"You hungry?" Tori asked Jade, looking at the Goth who finished her beer.

"A little, it's getting a little late," Jade nodded.

"Caramel," A voice called, and Tori stood up, hugging the man with a smile. "Wonderful performance as usual, who's your scary friend?"

"This is Jade," Tori said, gesturing to her friend who just raised an eyebrow.  "Jade, this is Vince, my boss. Tyson and Vince own the place," Tori said as she slid back into the booth as Sarah brought the Menu and the beers over.

"Enjoy looking at women, Vince?" Jade asked with a tone in her voice that would usually scare anyone around her.

"If it were another universe, I probably would check out the ladies," Vince said with a laugh as Tori covered her mouth to stop a laugh. "But my husband likes when I only keep my eyes on him," Vince smirked at Jade's sudden silence, and the goth just nodded, turning her attention to the Menu in front of her.

"Anyways, Caramel," Vince said, patting Tori's shoulder. "You can head home after your next set if you like.

"I'll give it some thought," Tori said and turned her attention to Jade as Vince walked away.

"Did you have much else to do tonight?" Jade asked, looking up from the menu as she grabbed her beer.

"The next one is my last performance of the night, but if I were to keep covering Cinnamon's shifts I'd of been home around four again," Tori said and smiled up at the waitress who made her way over to the table again.

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