Chapter 25.

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Jade's POV.

We'd just finished the show, and it went better than the first one did surprisingly.

The five of us stood on stage holding hands, taking our bow when Tori seemed to freeze up and look into the audience.

I glanced at her, and she must have sensed it because she pointed into the back of the black box theatre with the same look she had just last year for the first play in these characters.

"Is that-" she paused as we saw those same two boys that tried to get our attention.

"Run, Walter!" I said and pushed her off the side of the stage, both of us laughing as we took off towards the dressing rooms.

"How did they even find us again? It's been over a year," Tori said with a pout, making a move to pull her fake moustache off, but I stopped her.

"We need a photo," I said at her confused expression just as Cat came into the room and I pulled Tori close, handing my phone to Cat without an explanation, but she knew what to do.

We took two photos, Tori holding me from behind like a typical couple, and one with us kissing.

"Thanks, Cat," Tori said before pulling her wig and moustache off with a sigh of relief.

I pulled my wig off also and ran my fingers through my hair a few times, thankful to have it free after the two hours of it being contained by the wig.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Andre and Beck were talking about heading over to Karaoke Dokie with everyone after we've changed," Cat said, remembering why she came into the room in the first place.

"Sounds good, I could really go for those Buffalo Wings right about now," I said and patted my stomach before stepping behind the small screen so that I could change.

"Yeah, I really feel like singing to let some energy go," I heard Tori say from the other side of the screen.

"What are you gonna sing?" Cat asked.

"I don't know yet," Tori said, and there was a soft chuckle that followed.

Stepping out from behind the screen as I pulled my tank-top on I smiled at Tori who just seemed to stare.

"What?" I asked, feeling a little self-conscious under her gaze. Strange, I know, but still.

"You are just wonderful, beautiful, and amazing," she said softly and stepped closer to me, my back now pressed against the make-up desk as she stepped between my legs and lifted me to sit on the counter. "And you have great boobs," she whispered into my ear, placing a brief kiss below my ear.

God, I love her.

"I love you," I said, pressing my lips to hers as she held onto my waist.

"I love you too." She smiled into the kiss, our teeth clashing lightly, making her laugh a little and pull from the embrace before she started unbuttoning the blazer and shirt that belonged to her costume.

"Hey, someone?" Cat called from the other side of the screen. "M-My zippers stuck," she said with a hint of pain in her voice, and I eased Tori out of the way quickly, stepping over to see what was going on.

"Hold on, Cat, your hair is stuck," I said and carefully untangled her long hair from the zip before unzipping it the rest of the way and moving back around to see Tori had already changed back into the skinny jeans she was wearing before the show and a purple tank-top.

Pouting at Cat having distracted me from Tori's body, I picked up our bags and looked at my phone as it chimed.

"Andre, Beck and Robbie are heading over to Karaoke Dokie now," I said, and Tori giggled a little, taking her bag from my hand, slipping it onto her shoulder. "What?" I asked.

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