Chapter 16.

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Jade's POV.

I looked up as Tori came into the room, pulling the blankets over my body more and she looked a little annoyed, and I really hoped it wasn't caused by me.

"What was the phone call about?" I asked hesitantly as Tori put her phone on the bedside table and slid her boots off and got beneath the blankets with me, shivering a little. My arms instantly wrapping around her to pull her close and warm her up.

"He found the spare key to my car, so he's going to bring it over," she said softly and slid her hands under my shirt, curling them against my stomach.

My breath hitched at how they felt like icicles, so I just held her tighter, my arm reaching over her to flick the heated blanket on. "How are you cold right now?" I asked with a light chuckle.

"I don't know, sometimes I just get cold when I'm angry... You'd think my body would be more heated," she shrugged as she spoke and nuzzled against my neck. "Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded and rubbed her back as I hummed softly. "I think I just need a nap, do you want me to come out with you and Cat?"

"It would be nice, but we can go another day, you should rest."

There was a chiming from downstairs followed by Cat calling out 'Ding-Dong' like she sometimes did when the doorbell went off.

We both laughed a little and Tori tried to pull away from me, but I only held on tighter.

"Jade," she huffed, giving in to my embrace.

"Yes?" I grinned when she looked up at me finally.

"I need to go grab my key from him." she pouted, her eyelashes fluttering.

"Tooooriiiii," Cat called out followed by footsteps running up the stairs.

We both pulled away from each other and Tori was out of the bed just as the door was forcefully pushed open.

"You tell me to come over and don't answer the door?" Tori's father asked a little angry.

"I was in the bathroom," Tori frowned over at him, crossing her arms after she pulled her ugg-boots back on.

"You- What are you doing in my daughter's bed?" He asked, pointing right at me.

"Uh... Sleeping?" I rose an eyebrow, slipping out from under the covers, pulling my shirt down correctly.

"No." He snapped and glared at me before turning his attention to Tori. "I thought you were over this... This phase," he said with even more anger now.

"Excuse me? You walked out leaving me here with mum just because she slept with someone else. You don't get to comment on my life, anymore. You made yourself clear that you wanted nothing to do with me when I came out to you." Tori's voice was getting higher, so I looked at Cat who looked like a deer in headlights.

Eyes wide, frantically searching for a way out of this situation.

I grabbed Cat's hand as I stepped out of the room, dragging her down the hallway towards Trina's room. I pushed her in without much resistance and told her to listen to some music.

By the time I got back to Tori's room, both of the Vega's weren't even in there.

"Just let go," I heard Tori yelp and looked down the stairs to see her father trying to drag her towards the door.

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