Chapter 2.

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Thank you for all the kind comments. I really hope you like it.

Here's chapter two!


Jade's POV.

Watching Tori leave the house after hearing that phone call, I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of a boss would speak to an employee like that? He called her Caramel for fuck's sake.

I waited a few seconds before setting my can down that I had been carrying since Tori gave it to me earlier and grabbed the key Tori said was for the house, attaching it to my car keys. I grabbed my bag that I dropped on the couch when I walked in earlier and made my way out the door, locking it behind me.

Walking to the end of the driveway, I saw Tori already a few houses down, putting her headphones into her ears which made me smile. I double-checked my car was locked, not wanting to risk her seeing it or have the cops called on me for driving slowly behind a female before I started my walk in following her.

Something really didn't feel right about this job she was talking about. For them to pay her after every shift. For her boss to call her and let her know someone called Cinnamon couldn't make it in. For her boss to call her Caramel.

That didn't sit right with me.

It made my stomach knot uncomfortably. What else felt wrong, was them having a seventeen-year-old working a shift so late at night. Not getting home till four in the morning? The fuck was up with that.

I followed Tori for another three blocks, recognising it as a part of town that really wasn't made for teenagers to work in unless they were tough, tougher than me... Sure I was tough, I was the meanest person in our whole school. But I wouldn't work here even if the job was paying me thousands a night.

I stopped dead when I saw Tori walking across a parking lot towards a small building called 'Deja Vu Showgirls', and as she opened the doors to the building, I could hear the heavy bass pumping from way across the carpark where I was standing.

This definitely felt wrong.

I looked down at my phone and noted we were no more than a ten-minute drive from school.

It was five thirty in the afternoon, and Tori Vega worked at a fucking strip-club.

I looked the place up online, as I slowly walked back towards the Vega household and shook my head. I was about to pocket my phone once more when I saw the option to look at a gallery. Frowning a little, I wondered if I should or not.

My thumb slipped, and I bumped the option to see 'Showgirl Of The Month', and my jaw dropped. There, in full view where the half-naked photo's of Tori... But they were being displayed under the name 'Caramel.'

I had half a mind to turn back and go in there, to drag Tori out by the ear, or hair.

I sigh and pocket my phone finally and walk up the driveway, pulling my keys from my bag after a little bit of searching.

I unlock the door and drop the keys back into the bag, the bag onto the couch as the door shut behind me with a dull thud and made my way over to the counter where I left the can I was drinking earlier.

The Wahoo Punch was starting to go warm now, and it had barely been half an hour since Tori had given it to me. I down the last of the drink in two large mouthfuls before shaking my head in thought. How did she even get that job, surely her parents would have refused. Did they even know? Tori's not even eighteen yet. The place could get shut down for that alone. Unless she had a fake ID. Did she?

Unless that greaseball Vince just didn't care and seeing that her birthday was three months away hired her anyway.

Maybe she's just a waitress there. Or sings.

Why do I care so much? I bought a hand up and rested it against my chest, feeling my heart hammer roughly against my ribs.

Pulling my laptop from my bag as I made my way back to the couch, I sat down and lifted my feet up, resting them on the coffee table, ready to research this place and find out how bad it was.

It didn't take long till my laptop had loaded up and the internet was opening, having worked on homework enough here over the years of Tori's and my slowly formed friendship that I earned the wifi password.

I went to the page and scrolled down to the bottom, and clicked on the 'Careers' tab.

I read the options below, clicking on each one as I went along.

'Entertainer Opportunities' was the first on the list. Clicking the small plus symbol on the right of the option, it brought up a picture.

"It's never too late to step up in the world," I read aloud in that Sweet Sally Peaches voice that Tori hates and rolled my eyes before scrolling to the bottom of the picture, there, beneath the large words, 'Entertainers Wanted!' was smaller writing. "Make up to a thousand plus in cash per night. Set your own schedule. High-Class guests. Fun nightclub environment. Start tonight!" Again, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

The next option I clicked on after minimising that one was for servers.

The same cursive scrawl talking about stepping up was at the top of the image, along with the large words, 'Servers Wanted!' before I scrolled to the bottom and law it's options. "Make up to three-hundred plus in cash per night. Flexible scheduling. Excellent tips. High-Class guests. Fun, safe, party environment. Great training program." I frowned as I read allowed, it did sound a little nicer than the entertainer's option, though.

The next option, 'Staff Opportunities (All Other Club Positions)' didn't have an image, or anything written below it minus a link to 'Apply Here!' like the other few did, so I clicked on the next one down.

"Modelling opportunities," I read aloud and rose an eyebrow. "Looking to be a professional model? Expand your modelling portfolio? Live a life of glamour and fame? Travel to exotic destinations for free? Make extra money for easy work? If you can say yes to any of these questions, then J&H modelling is absolutely for you!" With the option to 'Apply Now!' below it just like the rest.

The final option I clicked, 'Management Opportunities' and read the picture below. "Do you think you have what it takes for a management career in adult entertainment?" I scoffed, 'not really,' I thought and shook my head before reading the large words that were now yellow instead of the black that they were before, this time bringing the readers eye to the fact that there were 'Leaders Wanted! - Join the biggest and best today' with an email address and some bullet points.

"Premium pay. Excellent bonus structure. Las Vegas management school. Relocation benefits. Excellent benefits. Fun and excitement every day. All-star training program. Make all your friends jealous." That last one made me roll my eyes so hard it hurt.

The ad went on to say that the person applying needed management experience in other things such as Hotels, restaurants, bars and nightclubs otherwise they shouldn't apply.

I sighed and closed the tab before shutting my laptop and pulling my phone from my bag, looking down at the time. It was almost six, which the website displayed as opening time.

I chewed on my lip as I thought about what I should do. I really needed to know if Tori was putting a target on herself being a dancer or if she was just waiting tables and pouring drinks.

I hoped for the latter. But the 'Showgirl Of The Month' page that I saw earlier proved it was the former.

Groaning at fighting myself, I grabbed my bag, tucking my phone into the pocket of it and made sure the keys were actually in it before leaving the house and slamming the door behind myself. 

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