Chapter 15.

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Tori's POV.

"Tori?" A small voice called out to me, dragging me from my sleep and I groaned, pulling my pillow over my head.

"Tori?" The voice called again, and it took me a moment to register that it was Cat calling for me.

"What?" I called back and pulled the pillow away from me to see that the lump in the bed beside me was covered by all the blankets and only my feet were covered.

"I had a bad dream," she said, her head poking in the door.

Thank god Jade, and I didn't fuck last night after our confessions. I doubt we'd have managed to put clothes back on.

"Can I come lay with you?" She whispered.

I moved closer to Jade's side of the bed, patting the spot I'd just moved from, and Cat quickly came in, closing the door behind her before she pounced on the bed cuddling up against me.

"Who's that?" She whispered, pointing to the lump of blankets.

"Shh, it's Jade. She didn't drive home cause it was really late last night, get some sleep, Cat," I whispered and pulled one of the blankets over the both of us after a small struggle of getting it from Jade's death grip before tucking it under Cat's side so it couldn't be pulled back.

A small giggle from Cat dragged my attention back to her. "What?" I muttered, thinking I must have accidentally tickled her side or something.

"Jade's sleeping in your bed," she said quietly and shook her head. "She's been so nice to you lately."

"Cat," I said with a light warning tone. "Sleep."

"Maybe she has a crush on you," Cat beamed, and I couldn't help but smile and roll my eyes.

If only she knew.

"Goodnight, Tor," she said quietly and face the wall.

I rolled over to face Jade and reached beneath the pillow she was laying on to grab her phone. She always kept it there. My heart leapt into my throat at the lock screen. The photo from the night we first slept beside each other.

I was curled against her with my thumb in my mouth.

Why was that her screen? When did she set it on her screen?

Come to think of it I've not really looked at her phone before.

I blinked, coming back to the reality of why I actually had her phone.

I set it back under her pillow after checking the time and slipped my arm over her waist beneath the pile of blankets.


Sitting at the kitchen table with Jade who was looking at a video on her phone, I sighed lightly and glanced over at her. She'd been silent all morning.

I mean, sure she was always pretty quiet in the mornings, but she hadn't even said good morning to me.

It made me wonder if she was regretting last night.

"Jade?" I asked quietly, and I wasn't even sure if she heard me until she set her phone and coffee down to look at me.

"What's up?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Do you regret saying it?"

"No. What's making you say that?" She asked, and her voice was more hoarse this morning then I'd ever heard it.

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