Chapter 17.

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Tori's POV.

When Cat and I came downstairs, the first thing I saw was Jade, and my heart fluttered at the pure beauty of her.

"What happened, Jadey?" Cat asked with a gasp when she saw Jade had an ice-pack on her hand.

"I punched Tori's dad," she said without a moment's pause, and my throat tightened uncomfortably.

What was supposed to happen now? Jade punched my father. A cop. Jade hit a police officer.

God. What if he arrested her? I stood motionless beside the piano, Jade and Cat's voice fading out as they continued their conversation.

I was brought back to reality a little while later by Jade's hand resting on my arm. "Tori?" she asked gently.

"Y-Yeah?" I asked, cursing myself for allowing my voice to crack and show emotion.

"It's going to be okay," she whispered as if she had read my mind, my fears and worries.

"Cat, why don't we all go over to your place and get you a change of clothes before we head out to the Faire?" Jade asked, her hand not leaving mine as she spoke to Cat.

"My mum called a while ago asking me to come home, they need to take my brother out of town again," Cat told us, and I nodded slowly.

"Well, Vega?" Jade asked, looking at me. "Why don't you and I drop Cat off our way to the Faire then?"

"Sounds like a plan," I nodded and smiled softly at the two of them. Getting out of the house would be a great idea right now.


Stepping up the gates of the show-ground, the first thing I noticed was a few women in period clothing, walking around with fake dragons on their shoulders, or long trains of tulle towering from their hair or tall princess-like hats.

I smiled brightly as Jade gained us admission to the Ren Faire and she took my hand, leading me into the throngs of people.

I could hear guitars strumming, tambourines were being slapped rhythmically, some singing, somewhere in the distance.

I could smell various foods, making my stomach growl and my mouth water. I followed the scent, Jade's hand tightly gripping mine as I dragged her through the crowds.

We passed some people laughing loudly, and I couldn't help but smile bigger, my fears from earlier melting away.

We saw a tortoise walking around with an Ale Mug strapped on it's back, a small sign saying 'Tip The Tortoise' in the prettiest calligraphy I'd ever seen in my life.

I dug some change from the bottom of my bag before crouching down to put the coins in the open mug and stood after lightly running my fingers over the tortoises' head. My eyes snapped towards Jade who was putting her phone away quickly with a devious smirk on her lips.

I playfully glared at her before grabbing her hand once more to continue our trek to find food.

There were different vendors lined up across the area, my eyes lit up when I saw bags and bags of fairy floss on a shelf in one of the vendor stands and moved to get in line.

"You like fairy floss?" Jade asked when she saw me eyeing the different colours and different sized bags.

"Do I ever!" I grinned and leaned into her embrace as she slipped an arm around my waist.

"What colour?" She asked when we moved up a few steps.

"I kinda want to try the purple one, what do you think it tastes like?"

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