Chapter 24.

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Tori's POV.

When Jade pulled the car into the driveway, we were surprised to see a moving truck blocking most of the area, so she parked on the street instead.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked around the car to meet up with Cat and Jade who were waiting for me, Cat looking confused while Jade just looked relieved.

"Holly, Tori's home," Gary's voice called out as he carried a box outside and to the truck.

"Tori, why's there a man carrying things out of your house?" Cat asked, and Gary looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Mum's taking stuff to Goodwill," I lied and let go of Jade's hand so we could all walk inside.

Gray put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me, and Jade looked like she wanted to hit him for touching me, but I urged her to go ahead.

"Take Cat up to my room and start rehearsing the play, I'll be up soon," I told her and Jade reluctantly dragged Cat up the stairs.

"Goodwill?" He asked, leaning against the truck.

"I'm almost eighteen, I don't want people, even if they are my friends, knowing I live alone." He seemed shocked by my words and smiled before he nodded.

"You're smarter than your father-" he stopped talking at the mention of my father and looked down. "I'm sorry if I had known..."

"Stop, I don't need pity, I'm glad he's gone. He deserves it after what I went through."

"I agree, I'm still sorry," he said, and I nodded, pointing to the house.

"I have homework, school is my number one priority right now," I told him, and he nodded, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think your mother knows, because I haven't told her, but I saw your Slap Update via my daughter's page. Congratulations on your relationship, I hope that you two are, and always will be happy."

I swallowed, feeling tears prickle in my ears before nodding and heading inside, up to my room to see Cat and Jade reading through lines on my bed and with one look at Jade, she was by my side, holding me.

I still don't know what I've done to deserve someone as amazing as her, but I'm going to do everything I can to not ruin it.

I sighed happily as I inhaled her scent that someone still remained even when she used my body wash and hair products, finding myself calming in her arms.

"We'll go get your bag out of the car when they leave okay?" I said, and she nodded before pulling me over to the bed with her, Cat sitting on my side of the bed scrolling on her phone, I was shoved into the middle between them both.

I shifted, turning so that my back was to the doorway and I could focus on them both as tugged my script from my bag along with my phone and put my bag on the end of the bed.

"Alright, so, what Cat and I have read so far is that Walter has barely any lines this time," Jade said, smiling at me softly.

"Probably sleeping," I joked and she smirked before nodding. "Or in space."

"Or both!" Cat chimed in, looking up from her phone. "Good news, I'm not pregnant," she said, and we both looked at her.

"You thought you were pregnant?" I asked quickly and looked at Cat like a mask had been taken off her. Like I no longer saw her as the innocent person she sometimes appeared to be.

"Kyle fucked you without protection?" Jade asked, clenching her fists.

"He said he didn't like the feel of it," Cat said softly, looking down at her hands.

"I bet he won't like the feeling of my fist in his face, where does he live?" Jade growled.

"He went back to college after breaking up with me," Cat said as her voice cracked with sadness. "Wh-when I told him I might have been pregnant."

I pulled Cat into my arms and rubbed her back slowly. "He didn't deserve you, Cat. You're too amazing for him," I whispered in her ear.

"Girls?" My mum's voice called from the doorway, and I let Cat go, pushing myself off the bed to face her.


"Is everything okay?"

"We're fine, just practising for a play," I said and made my way over to the door, leaning on the frame. "The rest of gang will be here later, any word from Trina about her stuff?"

"I was thinking of leaving it here for now, is that okay?" She asked me, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going to get everyone to help me rearrange my room this weekend, move it into your old room, put Trina in here so that I don't have to hear her snoring," I said, and she smiled softly at me.

"You don't mind that I'm-" she hesitated. "Taking things to Goodwill?" She finished, and clearly, Gary had said something to her.

"No, I don't. Gives me a sense of independence, especially if I'm doing college, I can just apply to the local ones and stay here all the time," I said with a shrug.

"Well, I'm a call away if you need anything," she said, seeming hesitant to leave.

"I'll be okay. I have Jade and my friends."

"Yes, Jade..." She looked at Jade over my shoulder and smiled softly at her. "I always knew something was there."

She just nodded, and I took it as approval before she picked up the box she must have set down so she could talk to me and carried it down the stairs.

I waited a moment before I heard the sound of the front door closing and the moving-truck outside starting up.

I turned to face Jade, and she was looking out the window, cat nowhere in sight but the bathroom door was closed, so it answered my question as to where she was, and Jade's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"The truck is gone," she said as she turned to face me.

Smiling, I moved down the hallway and looked at the now completely empty master bedroom as I stood in its doorway. Wondering what colour those bland white walls should be replaced with.

Jade's arms slid around my waist, and her chin rested on my shoulder a moment later, my heart thudding happily.

"This room could use a coat of paint, dark, but not black?" She suggested, and I turned in her arms, pressing my lips to hers.

"I was just thinking the same thing," I said resting my forehead against hers.

"So, I sent a message to Beck when we got up to the room, he's also bringing us some ice cream cake, because your new independence needs to be celebrated," she said before she kissed me and I held onto her tighter.

"I love you, Jade," I whispered, rubbing our noses together.

"I love you too, Tor," she said just as softly before we kissed once more.

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