Chapter 10.

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Jade's POV.

I sat there for the longest time. I wasn't even sure how long I'd been sitting by Tori's bedside, only moving to use the bathroom and get coffee.

It had been two days, and Tori's mother still hadn't arrived. Her dad still hadn't gotten in contact with me, and Trina messaged me asking for updates letting me know that she couldn't change her flight as she didn't have the money to do so.

I was annoyed. More than annoyed. Her family didn't even care about her.

I did.

A few of our friends had come by, Cat and Andre on multiple occasions- morning and afternoon before they had to go to their own summer jobs.

Beck came by once, this morning just after Cat and Andre had left, offering support with a smirk in place when he heard the doctor call me Tori's fiance.

The conversation we had was like... Like we were best friends. He was my best friend though.


"So you figured it out," he said when he'd come into the room after the doctor left, a coffee in each hand. He held one out for me which I happily accepted and kept one of my hands on top of Tori's own.

"Sadly it was the day after we broke up," I told him, feeling a little guilty before moving on so quickly. He only raised his hands lightly, a smile on his lips letting me know he wasn't judging me at all.

"I'm glad you figured it out, Jade," he said, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I think I'm in love with her," I whispered, my voice cracking with how soft I spoke, but he heard me.

"I know," he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Miss West?" A nurse asked from the doorway, and I stood, wiping the single tear from beneath my eyes before it could ruin my makeup.


"The doctor informed me that she should be waking today if her body allows it. She also might stay asleep, her brain knows she needs the rest to heal properly," the nurse informed me, and I nodded slowly.

"Thank you," I took a sip of my coffee and sat it on the bedside table, looking at Beck.

"Can you go to her place and bring me my duffel bag?"

"Sure thing," he nodded, and I pulled my keys from my purse.

"A house key already?" He smirked, enjoying being able to tease me.

"Shut it," I muttered, nudging him.


Beck clearing his throat made me look up towards him and smiled softly, my bag in his hand.

"That house is spotless, how often does Tori have to clean up after you?" He asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

"Never, why?"

"Really? I've seen your bedroom. I've seen how you were staying in my RV for just two days," he said, raising his eyebrow.


"Jade?" a breathless whisper came from the bed, Beck and I turning quickly, looking at Tori.

"Tor?" I moved quickly and gripped Tori's hand, my other hand resting on her shoulder. "You okay, baby?" I asked with a soft tone.

Tori looked concerned briefly and glanced over at Beck before looking back to me. "Baby?" She asked confused, and my heart dropped painfully.

I feel like my knees were going to give out on me as. Beck's steady arms wrapped around my waist, stopping me from falling to the floor as my legs shook.

"Tori... Jade and you have been together for two weeks," he said and looked at her before I could stop myself, I turned to hide my face against his chest, tears flowing freely now.

"Oh, I know that. It's just she hadn't called me baby before, so I was a little confused," Tori said, and I looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"You didn't forget me?" I asked, my breath catching as she took ahold of my hand.

"How could I?" She smiled, and I leaned in, kissing her softly. "But what happened?" She asked once I pulled away from the kiss.

"I'll let Jade tell you. I'll go find a doctor or nurse, let them know you're awake," Beck said and rubbed my back gently before walking out of the room.

"It happened at work," I told her softly. "A doctor thought it was a suspicious hospitalisation, so a cop came by," I rubbed my thumb over her knuckle. "I told the cop it happened after we had sex- That you slipped on some whipped cream. Tyson was here at the time."

Tori laughed softly and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a tight hug. "I felt you here, the whole time," she told me, her breath tickling my ear.

"I only left to use the bathroom. I used the clothes you had in your bag," I shrugged and looked down at the jeans I was wearing.

"They look better on you," she grinned at me.

"Ah, Miss Vega, you're awake. Do you know what day it is?" He asked, pulling a pen-sized torch from his pocket and shining it in her eyes.

"Well, I would like to, but no one's told me how long I'd been here," Tori said and glanced at the doctor.

"Two days," I told her, rubbing her shoulder while the doctor checked the machines.

"Oh, well... It's Saturday, then," Tori said confidently. "Can I go home soon?" There was something in her voice that I couldn't quite place, and it worried me.

"We'd like to keep you here for the rest of the afternoon just for observation," the doctor said, and a look of fear crossed Tori's features.

"Fine, just till this afternoon, then I'm leaving, even if it's against medical advice," Tori said and looked out the window.

"I-" the doctor looked at me and gestured to the hallway. "Miss West, a word?"

Nodding, I pressed a kiss to Tori's cheek, handing her my coffee that was on the bedside table. "Here, honey. Have something warm to drink," I smiled softly as she took it and I followed the doctor out of the room.

"I think she should maybe stay here another night, you being her fiance will probably make you the one to decide if we think she's not capable of making the decision," he told me.

"Excuse me?" My eyes widened, and I frowned. "If she wants to go home, that's her choice-"

"Miss West, please, your fiance needs to be checked out properly," he tried, and I clenched my fists.

"No, you think she's being abused, that's why you sent that fucking cop around. This is all her choice. I'm not the boss of her, no one is. If she wants to leave, she's leaving. Do whatever tests you need to do before five this afternoon, then I'm taking her home," I said and walked back into the room to see Tori looking at me wide-eyed.

"You're amazing," she said lightly, and I moved around to the chair I'd barely left for the past two days and held onto her hand. "Thank you... For supporting me."

"I have no reason to not support your decisions, Tori. You clearly don't feel comfortable here. I'm not going to make you stay here and put up with it," I told her and kissed her gently before catching her up on what she'd missed. Telling her about Tyson and Vince's offer about work and how they'd cover the hospital bill.


AN: Any/All Mistakes are my own. Little under the weather at the moment guys, so I probably won't update for a little while. I'll try to keep working on the fic while I'm offline though. Happy reading.  

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