Chapter 6.

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Jade's POV.

Grinning into my hand as I shove a pile of popcorn into my mouth, I watch the killer on screen swinging a pair of scissors around their finger with the wickedest smile on their face.

The first one to die, the pretty girl, stares up from the floor with tears streaming down her face, pleading for her life.

The scissors come down to the pretty girls eye and the scream made Tori who was definitely asleep, jump and mumble.

I glance at the sleeping girl beside me and smile, a hand hesitantly coming up to swipe a lock of hair from her face.


It nears the end of the movie where the killer is chasing their next victims through the forest when the girl predictably trips, telling their friend to run and not stop.

The camera focused on the girl that was running away when there was a scream, not from the movie, well it was on screen too, but no... It came from Tori.

I quickly put the popcorn bowl on the floor, closed the laptop so that the room went quiet as the cast disconnected, and gripped Tori's shoulder. She was thrashing against my hold. Arms pulled tight against her chest. Hands closed into fists so tight that her knuckles were turning white.

"Tori?" I asked, shaking her shoulder.

"No, please- I'm sorry," my heart leapt into my throat as I see tears fall from her eyes, down over her nose- as she was laying on her side -and dripping to the pillow below.

"Stop! Please!" She cried out again.

I slid down under the blankets to lay beside her and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight, whispering softly to her.

"It's okay, Tori," I said, a hand stroking her back while my other tangles in her hair, lightly scratching her scalp. It seemed to be working, so I kept talking.

"You're safe," I whispered. "I've got you,"

The sniffling settled, as did her heaving and fast-paced breathing. I rested my hand on her chest, surprised a little that I could feel just how quickly her heart was hammering. I returned my hand to her back, stroking it up and down as I continued to talk to her. Letting her know she was safe.

She sighed and nuzzled against my neck and wrapped her arm tightly over me.

I blindly reached onto the bedside table, and with a little searching, I grabbed the remote and flicked the TV off before setting it back down.

I felt Tori sigh against me and tighten her arm that was resting on my waist.

Her other hand came up between us, and her thumb slipped between her lips.

My eyes widened at the innocence of the move, and I smiled, grabbing my phone from on top of the blankets where I'd left it after taking it off charge earlier to play a game on it.

I swiped through the home screens till I found my camera and held the phone up above us, I could just make us out on the screen from the light coming through the bathroom doorway.

Turning the flash on, I prayed that this wouldn't wake her- but she did sleep through all the screaming in the movie -I took the photo.

I smiled at the picture finding out it came good first try and locked my phone, resting it on the pillow above my head.

The time on my phone said it was almost five-thirty.

For some reason, all the exhaustion I felt in me, in my bones, vanished when Tori screamed. Maybe she shocked me into being more alert or something, but I didn't get scared. I was more worried.

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