Chapter 7.

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Tori's POV.


I woke to the annoying buzzing of my phone skittering across the bedside table, and I reached from under the covers, only to find myself a little stuck.

Glancing down at my stomach, I felt Jade's strong arm holding me close, and my breath hitched. Shaking my head quickly, I eased her arm off of me, grabbing my phone after checking the caller ID and stepping out of my room to answer it so that I hopefully didn't wake Jade.

I spoke to mum for a while, listening to her tell me she'd be out of town longer than she first said and that Trina was going away with her old friends to Disney World. I felt a little annoyed that she was going.

I let mum know that Trina had taken the money that was left just for me and I could almost hear my mother rolling her eyes.

Mum let me know she'd transfer money into my bank account as I glanced through the crack in the door and saw Jade stirring, I quickly wrapped the call-up, letting my mother know I'd call her back later.

I spoke to Jade for a small amount of time before curling back up in bed. It was a few minutes before I felt the firm embrace of Jade's arm sliding around my waist and my heart stuttered at the warmth and happiness I felt.

It was a few hours later when I woke to find the other side of the bed empty, the mug that was left on my bedside table the night before gone, and a note resting on the pillow Jade had slept on.

I stretched before reaching for the note, rolling onto my stomach, which put me on Jade's side of the bed, I got a waft of her scent flying up my nose and closed my eyes briefly, basking in the serenity that smell provided.

After a moment, I flipped open the piece of paper and smiled at Jade's small cursive writing that for Jade was looking a little rushed, but still was neater than my writing ever could be.

"Vega, went to the store to get some real food. Text me when you wake, and I'll see what I can do about bringing you coffee, Jade. xxx"

There, after her name was some really light small x's, and my heart slammed against my ribs. Sure, Jade had erased them, but they were still there if you looked at it in the right light. Jade had put a few small x's there just for me.

I reached onto the bedside table and swiped my phone up, seeing a message already waiting there for me from Jade.

Opening the screen, my eyes widened. There, on my screen was a picture of Jade holding me while I slept, my head resting against her chest and my thumb in my mouth.

Blushing brightly, I felt my whole body warm up with embarrassment and swallowed hard before typing a text back to her.

"I don't know what surprises me more, the note you left, the fact my Slap Page isn't blowing up with notifications because you posted the photo above, or that you let me lay on you last night... P.S, Double choc chip frappe?"

I couldn't contain my smile as I pushed the blankets off myself and got out of bed, sitting my phone on the bedside table once more before pulling the blankets up under the pillows to make the bed correctly.

I made my way to the bathroom, picking up my PearPod on the way and connecting it to the docking station I kept just inside the bathroom doorway so I could listen to music while I showered.

I brought up a playlist and pressed shuffle as I started the shower, the room slowly filling with steam from the steady stream of hot water gushing from the shower head.

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