Chapter 23.

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Jade's POV.

The rest of the day had dragged on slowly, but thankfully, Tori and I weren't separated for the remainder of it.

Now, we were sitting in the back corner of the Black Box Theater, my legs were thrown over Tori's lap while she played on her phone and we leant on the walls, our shoulders bumping lightly every now and then as I played with the hair-tie on Tori's wrist.

We were waiting for the rest of the class to show up and find out what parts we were to play in this assignment.

We've been sitting here before the bell was due to ring as it was our free period, so when Tori decided to just come wait in here out of the heat and cuddle, I wasn't about to turn it down.

We'd grabbed a Jet Brew each came in here and sat quietly.

I was working on my part of Beck's and my Theater History assignment, but my PearPad had died just after I managed to save my progress, so I'd gotten bored quickly after that.

Tori offered me her PearPad so that I could just play a game on it if I wanted to but I refused, choosing to revel in the silence and calm that was going on.

She handed me her phone with a soft smile and showed me a message from her mother.

"She's taking some of her things out of the house right now?"

I asked, handing the phone back.

"Seems like it, she said she'd leave the kitchen stuff for us unless she really wanted it," Tori said, stroking my thigh gently. "We've been messaging back and forth all day. "She said that Trina won't be coming around till Spring Break, she doesn't want her to know about the divorce just yet."

I nodded in understanding, resting my hand on hers.

"You'd think they'd be the one keeping it from you seeing as you're the youngest," I chuckled, and she nodded.

"I've thought about what you asked me," I said softly, and she looked confused, taking a sip of her coffee as she looked at me.

"What did I ask?" She asked, tilting her head.

"About staying with you." I cleared my throat, biting my lip as a flood of emotions washed over her face.

"Oh," she said before looking down at her coffee, almost like she was afraid of my answer.

"Hear me out." I shifted a little as she nodded, waiting for me to continue. "We've been alone at your house for six weeks. I only told my parents I'd be away for one week. They haven't even tried to contact me," I told her.

"What're you trying to say?" She asked, looking into my eyes.

"That I would love to Lesbian U-Haul with you, Tori Vega," I said, and her eyes lit up before she laughed, loud enough for the sound to bounce off the walls around us, loud enough for it to hit my bones and make my heart stutter.

We shared a kiss as the bell rung and stayed huddled in our corner with our foreheads pressed together as the rest of the group slowly made their way into the theatre room.

"Maybe we can get the guys to help move everything," she said as she played with my hair, her fingers curling around the waves my hair naturally fell into.

"Sounds good," I said with a nod, kissing her gently. "I love you."

She beamed, kissing me once more. "I love you too," she said before we both got up, making sure we hadn't left anything in the corner as we grabbed our coffee's and moved to sit in some chairs near the back as the rest of our 'group' came in and sat around us.

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