Chapter 18.

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Jade's POV

The rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying each others company, and when it came time to head home, Tori rested her head on my shoulder as I drove, her hand twined with mine upon my thigh.

"Did you have a good day?" I asked her softly, just in case she'd already dozed off.

"I did, thank you. It was a good date," Tori said and lifted her head to look at me.

"Date?" I frowned a little confused, we hadn't said it was a date.

"You wouldn't let me pay for anything, pulled my chair out at lunch, even picked me a flower." She laughed softly and reached onto the dash where she'd sat the flower and pulled it close to her, sniffing it.

"Date." I smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm sorry I didn't realise, maybe we can do it again sometime?"

"The Faire or a date?" She asked, resting her head back on my shoulder.

"Both?" I half shrugged. "I definitely want to take you on a real date," I told her and was by her lifting our joined hands and pressing a kiss to my knuckle.

"Okay," she whispered and kissed my thumb before settling our hands back onto my lap.

"I'm starving, do you want something?" I asked when I saw a few restaurants coming up. "It can be our date, I know you're not a huge fan of getting too dressed up," I said softly.

"Oh, yes. You pick though, I'm so hungry I can eat anything." She pulled away from me to grab her phone as it started ringing and I lowered the volume so she could hear the call.


I glanced at Tori who seemed to pale a little, and I pulled the car off to the side of the road and shut it off, resting my hand on her knee.

Her hand went to mine and clamped down tight as she listened to the other end of the call.

"Destroyed? How bad?"

She cleared her throat and ran her hand through her hair before putting it back onto my hand.

"I-I'll be there soon to see the damage, thank you," Tori said as she ended the call and took a ragged breath.

"The cops think they found my car. It's been torched," she told me, and I nodded, starting the car up. "I have to go to the station to make sure it is mine. I'm sorry, do you want to pick up food on the way?"

"We can get something soon, let's just go check this shit out." I pulled my car back out onto the road and kept my hand on Tori's knee, feeling the way she squeezed it every now and then.


I waited patiently in the hallway outside the interview room, they weren't accusing Tori, it was just a quiet place to talk.

The door opened after a little while, and Tori thanked the officer that she had spoken to before she put a hand on my shoulder.

"You must be Jade," The young looking officer said and held a hand out towards me.

I rose an eyebrow but shook his hand anyway, and Tori stepped back a little. "Can I speak to you for a moment?" He asked, and I could feel my body tense up, my eyes widening.

"Oh, it's okay, I believe you didn't do it," he said quickly. "Tori can come in too."

Tori slipped her hand into mine, and we went back into the room, taking a seat, the large two-way mirror was a little intimidating, but I looked at Tori and found myself calming quickly.

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