Chapter 12.

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Jade's POV.

If it wasn't for my phone ringing, Tori and I could be happily up in her bedroom wasting the afternoon away.

But no, Cat had to interrupt, I love my ditzy friend, don't get me wrong... But she's such a cock-block.

She called to ask if she could bring a date tonight to our dinner 'party' and then proceeded to ramble on about the guy for almost an hour.

By that time, as worked up as we were, we decided to just go for a calm-down dip in the pool. Give our bodies a chance to cool down.

I agreed with Tori when she suggested it, but only because I didn't want to pressure her into anything.

The cold water barely helped. All because Tori refused to put her top on, saying she didn't want uneven tan lines.

God, she's so stunning.


"Toriiiii," Cat's voice Echoed through the house, and I watched as Tori made quick work of tying her bikini bra up in a hurry as she walked through the back door -me slowly walking behind her while checking my phone- to see Cat. Beside her, a boy we'd never met, both of them standing a little awkwardly in the middle of the lounge room.

I nodded towards him before resting a hand on my hip, frowning at the yet again cock-block we received from Cat.

She didn't say anything about coming over early.

"Hiiii," Cat giggled and poked her friend lightly in the ribs. "This is Kyle!"

"Hi," he said a little nervously, trying to look anywhere but at mine and Tori's body.

"Hi, Kyle. I'm Tori, this is Jade," Tori said with a bright smile, pointing to me, slightly leaning closer to me to get her fill of clingy-ness without giving it away that we were together.

I didn't care if anyone knew, but I'm allowing Tori to control the process of telling who and when.

I only owed it to Beck, to thank him. That's why I told him.

"Were you swimming?" Cat asked, looking at us with a furrowed brow.

"Yes, we were earlier, but we're relaxing in the sun now," I said, a little snippy.

We're in our bikinis... Apart from sun-tanning and swimming, why else would we be in them?

Again, I love Cat...But she's not all there sometimes.

"Did you tell them to bring swim stuff?" Tori asked me in a low voice even though they were right in front of us.

"I included it in the message," I said with a shrug. "It's their own fault if they don't bring anything."

Tori playfully rolled her eyes and made her way over to the kitchen, shaking her head at me.

Cat dropped Kyle's hand and ran after Tori, and I glanced at the teen in front of me, raising an eyebrow.

"You're not like Cat said," he said, a small scoff leaving his lips as he crossed his arms, trying to look tougher than he apparently was.

"Is that so?"

"She said you were scary and mean."

"Ba-Jade, can you reach the cookies for Cat, please?" Tori called me, I turned to glance at them noting that she was pouring some pink lemonade into glasses from the large jug she'd made earlier.

"You're right there," I said with a little sigh, and Kyle made a move to go over and help them instead.

"I'll get them," he said, smirking a little as he looked at me before stepping into the kitchen to see Cat about ready to climb onto the counter to get the large cookie container.

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