Chapter 27.

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Jade's POV.

The rest of the day was spent dying from the heat and the urge to stab for Robbie to continually be a cock block.

Every time we'd kiss, or touch -a touch that wasn't hand holding or a hug that lasted longer than a few seconds... Even our kisses were brief- Robbie was right there.

Either spilling a drink on one of us, a beach ball smacking into us, a weird comment about something gross that would definitely kill the mood.

Tori and I were so pent up that I ignored my hate for the ocean, and we went out further than I liked, holding each other close, our hands seeking desperate touches beneath the water that was up to our breasts.

"Jade, Tori!" A voice called, and I dropped my head onto Tori's shoulder with a whimper of defeat.

"Please," I said softly. "Tell me that is not Robbie calling us."

Tori rubbed my back, her hands slipping down my sides slowly and she lifted me up, my legs sliding around her waist as she held onto my thighs to keep me up.

"Don't worry, babe," Tori whispered, kissing my neck. "We'll just pretend we can't hear him," she said as I felt the water around us moving despite the ocean being calm today.

Tori was moving us out deeper into the water.

I clung to her tighter and hid my face against her neck, I'm not afraid of the ocean or water, okay? I just... don't like dolphins.

"Stop, please," I said when the water was up to our collarbones, and she did.

"Sorry, I forgot you weren't a fan of the ocean," she said softly, and I pulled away from her neck, kissing her gently.

"Thank you. I love you," I whispered before bringing our lips together.

The sound of splashing brought us back to reality, I know we're at a beach, I understand that. But the noise was getting louder. Closer.

I looked over Tori's shoulder and saw Beck swimming towards us, a frown marring my features.

"Whaaaat?" I groaned out as he stopped beside us, my eyes bugging out a little as I felt Tori squeeze my ass.

"Lunch is ready, we tried calling out to you, but I guess you didn't hear," he said, looking almost annoyed.

"Not hungry," I said, releasing myself from the koala embrace I had on Tori and stood in front of her.

I didn't think it was possible to hear such a sound over the noise of the water lapping against our bodies and kids screaming with excitement on the shore, but I heard Tori's stomach growl, making me I look at her.

Of course, the mention of food would make my girlfriend hungry.

"Sounds like someone is," Beck chuckled, looking at Tori.


Sitting by the fire later that night, Tori curled against my side as I held out the long sticks we'd found to roast marshmallows on, luckily the one I was holding had a pronged end, and I could roast two at the same time for Tori and I.

The day had cooled down quickly once the sun had set and we were enjoying the peacefulness of it just our group and a few other people that stayed behind for the bonfire, along with the people that threw the small 'party.'

"Jade, what do you think?" I heard Tori ask me and I looked over at her, noticing a few people were looking at me also.

"What?" I asked, blinking to bring myself back to reality.

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