Chapter 9

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"you're all I ever wanted"

2nd day of being in Okinawa
At the hotel

Walking up to Seung he turned around smiling brightly at you, the woman turned around to look at you too, she was about to say something when she saw Jackson next to you, she quickly stopped holding Seungs arm.

"hey sweetie"

Yuna said as she went to hug and kiss, Jackson. She was acting like if she just hadn't been flirting with another man, YOUR man.

You scoffed to yourself and went to hug Seung, he hugged you back, wondering to himself, what's with the sudden affection.

"Yuna, you know Jackson?"

Seung asked yuna as he wrapped his arms around your waist, yuna looked away in embarrassment, so you just answered for her, your glare not leaving her face.

"she's Jackson's fiance"

You said as you took the extra shirt you had with you, before you guys reached the dining hall you went to the gift shop to get both you and Seung matching shirts.

"what really?"

Seung said in shock as he let go of you, to put on the shirt, you eyes lingered on his body for a bit, before you answered him.


You said making a popping sound, as the sound of the p left your mouth.

"yuna I thought you said you weren't dating anyone?"

When Seung said that, all three of you, turned to look at yuna, who was now, fiddling her fingers together.

"oh she did, did she?"

Jackson said glaring at yuna, she gulped nervously, not wanting to meet Jackson's piercing gaze

"yea, she did"

Seung said looking from Jackson to yuna, Jackson said his goodbye's to you and Seung, telling you guys that, it was fun meeting you and that he'll catch up with you guys later, he walked dragging yuna behind him, as she stumbled because of his fast pace.

You didn't care anymore, food was more important, within that moment, cause your stomach was growling, you started packing a plate of food, Seung looked at you in disbelief.

"aren't you going to see if Jackson's ok, I mean after what just happened?"

"not my problem...."

You said stuffing your face with pizza, pepperoni always tastes great.


You begun.

"I mean just look at Jackson, he could get anyone woman he wanted"

You said as you picked up a glass and started pouring yourself some wine.

"any woman except you right?"

Seung said, as he started getting a plate for himself, You looked at him for a second, wondering to yourself if you should tell him or not, welp he did say no secrets between you two.

"what are you talking about?"

"I mean he couldn't get you, if he tried right?

"Seung, mind the vulgar words that are about to come out of my mouth, but... You know I've already fucked him"

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