🗻Requested pt.2🗻

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"I'm not sure whose in the wrong anymore"

Time Stamp: xx:xx

Waking up the next morning, you sat up in bed groggily, your eyes scanning around the room as the covers slid off of your shoulders, you were still slightly half awake as your mind tried to come to terms with the situation you had now found yourse...

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Waking up the next morning, you sat up in bed groggily, your eyes scanning around the room as the covers slid off of your shoulders, you were still slightly half awake as your mind tried to come to terms with the situation you had now found yourself in.

Remembering what had happened just the day before, you sighed heavily you never thought that things would've taken a turn for the worse, dragging one hand over your face, you took in a deep breath trying to calm down your heart that was starting to beat rapidly, should you call him? Apologize maybe? But then again you hadn't done anything wrong.

He hadn't even taken a second to listen to you just jumping to conclusions like some overly obsessed girl friend, honestly you didn't know who was in the wrong anymore whether it was him or you.

Feeling a slight shift beside you, your entire body froze in shock, your head turning slowly to the side as a panicked feeling washed over your entire being, your eyes settling on the lump that was under the covers a small yelp escaping your lips as you felt arms wrapped around your waist and a head resting on your thighs, quickly pulling off the covers from your lower half, you found Seungs head resting on your lap, his arms wrapped around your waist as he breathed softly, the only thing that sent you into panic mood was the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt and this wouldn't have bothered you if it weren't for the fact that you were currently wearing one of his T-shirts.

"S-Seung we....we didn't....you know right?"

You said your voice laced with panic yet it sounded so hopeful, huffing out a breath Seung tightened his grip around your waist as he snuggled his head closer to your tummy, his eyes opening slowly as he tried to just take in the moment, feeling your hand combing through his hair and hearing the desperate sound in your voice as you called his name again more urgently this time, Seung narrowed his eyes slightly, his mind remembering just how distressed you had been just the night before, your tear stricken face along with how hurt you had looked a guilty expression had crossed over his face for a second before it was replaced with a huge grin as Seung started trailing one hand down your thigh.

"Nope, we didn't you passed out right after we had finished drinking"

Seung said in an overly cheerful tone that had you laughing just a little, you were starting to believe him and that seemed to be good enough for him, you were about to ask him how did you come about to be wearing his shirt, when you clearly remembered you were wearing a jeans and a blouse last night but as you felt a sting on your thigh, your eyes opened widely your hand immediately shooting out to smack Seungs hand away, a small 'ow' escaping your lips as you threw him off of your lap, he knew you never liked getting pinched and yet he still did it.

"Thats not funny"

You said as you used what little energy you had so early in the morning to kick him off the bed, although it did nothing to phase him since he was still laughing even after he had hit the floor, huffing out a breath in frustration you grabbed one of the pillows from behind your head throwing it at him.

"So what are you in the mood for?"

Seung said chuckling as he stood up off of the ground, the pillow you had thrown still laid on the floor as Seung opted to focus more on making you feel better, throwing yourself backwards unto the bed, you started considering what you wanted to eat.

"Hmmm, is panc- shit Mel! It's her first day of school"

You said sitting up quickly as you started rushing around the bedroom, grabbing your jeans and sneakers, your head whipping around quickly as you searched for your purse and blouse, grabbing a shirt off of the ground, Seung pulled it over his head as he grabbed his car keys off of the nightstand just in time to see you rush towards the door only for you to stop in your tracks, your body turning slowly to look at him as you realized you didn't even have a ride back home and whatever money you had on hand it was spent last night, with a sheepish smile you rubbed the back of your nape with your free hand.

"Can you um.... you know?"

You said feeling completely embarrassed, approaching you Seung waved the kings in front of your face with his index finger, the smirk that had appeared on his face never left as he realized you were still as clumsy and slightly airheaded as he had remembered.

"Already on it"





As soon as the car had reached your driveway, you had bolted out of the passenger side door, immediately running up your walkway as Seung trailed behind you, just as you were about to knock the door opened immediately revealing a burnt out looking Taehyung and a cheerful little girl that stood in front of him.

"Hey, munchkin ready for school?"

You said stooping down to your daughters eye level, nodding her head quickly she stretched out her arms to you, indicating that she wanted to be lifted up, without thinking twice you lifted her up in the air, small giggles escaping her lips as you rested her unto your hip before your eyes landed on Taehyung who was glaring at something behind you, tilting your head back slightly you noticed Seung standing just a little ways behind you his eyes holding the same intense gaze as the man that stood in front of you.

"Thanks for the ride, i'll text you back later alright?"

You said to Seung, nodding his head he started heading back down the driveway, just as you proceeded to push past Taehyung to go grab your car keys and a new pair of flats, Taehyung silently trailing behind you as he wondered to himself if you actually slept at Seungs house last night, knowing damn well to yourself that he was the reason why you got kicked out last night.

"Y/n, we need to talk"

Taehyung said to you as he stood by the door to Mel's room watching as you redid her hair seeing as he had completely failed at that aspect, the words that left his mouth going ignored by you as you hummed silently to yourself, smiling slightly as you had finished braiding Melody's hair.

"Please Y/n, don't ignore me.....d-did you sleep at his place last night?"

Time Stamp: xx:xx

"Some things are better left unsaid"



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