Chapter 23

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"No one cares about my feelings"

Time Stamp: 09:11am

Cumming inside of you, grunting, Seung pulled out, his cum dripping out of you unto the floor, the both of you panting heavily, tears falling from your eyes, Seung loosened his tie off of your wrist, falling unto the floor, your legs spread out in a W shape, you just sat there not saying a word, your tears still falling from your eyes.


Seung tried calling out your name, his temper subsiding, he tried touching your arm, you pulled away, just before he could touch you, not making eye contact with him, you tried standing up, but your legs gave out, making you fall back unto the floor. Trying once again to touch you, Seung tried holding your waist to lift you up, this time you punched him hard to the jaw, making him fall backwards.

"Don't ever touch me again!!"

You yelled at him loudly, Seung flinched slightly, you'd never once raised your voice at him before and now he was regretting what he did to you just a minute ago.

"y/n, I'm sorry, princess please"

Seung said trying once again to touch you, moving backwards away from his touch, Seung growled quietly, grabbing you by the wrist, you flinched in pain, seeing this, he let go of your wrist quickly.

"I fucking hate you Seung"

You said through tears, holding your wrist with one hand, just then the door to Seok's office opened revealing.....

Your brother. 😝

His eyes widened, seeing the state you were in, watching from you to Seung and Seung to you, he rushed towards you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, resting your head unto his shoulders, you cried uncontrollably, your brother patting your head, rubbing circles in your back, trying to calm you down.


Your brother yelled, glaring at Seung, staring at you for a few seconds, before getting up and leaving, Seung exited the office, fixing his clothes on the way out, you on the other stayed on the floor, hugging your brother tightly, helping you to stand up, clinging unto his shoulders, you stumbled once again, this time your brother lifted you up princess style, carrying you out of the office.

Everyone looked at the two of you, with curious stares, Cha looked worried and upset, but you just ignored everyone's stare, cuddling closer to your brother's chest, your arm wrapping around his neck tightly for support.

Seung looked at you too, a hint of regret on his face, but you just avoided eye contact with him, reaching the first floor, just as you were about to go past the receptionist desk, your brother stopped in his tracks suddenly.


Hearing your name being called, you didn't want to look at the person whose voice had said it, you wanted nothing more to do with him, your heart couldn't take any more damage, than it had already received, you heard him calling your name once more, but you refused to look at him, burying your face, deeper into your brothers chest, the person whom the voice belonged to, tried to touch your arm, but your brother grabbed his hand, before he could touch you.

"Taehyung, so you're the cause of all this, aren't you tired of always hurting my little sister?"

Your brother said in an irritated tone, a sense of malice laced around it, he knew exactly what happened between you and Taehyung all those years ago, to the point that he just felt hatred towards the man, all those nights that you spent crying in your room, thinking that you weren't good enough, your brother wasn't that fawned of the man, that caused his sister so much turmoil.

You were finally happy, once you met Seung, your brother hadn't seen you smile, or laugh like that in a long time, he was finally seeing the smile he missed so much but now, you're in his arms crying once again and it's all because of two guys, two guys caused you to be unhappy once again and this time, your brother was going to do everything in his power to protect you.

"stay away from y/n, you and that Seung guy, I don't want neither of you near my sister"

Your brother said angrily, before pushing pass Taehyung, Taehyung couldn't say anything, he just stood there, his head bowed down, as you left the building with your brother, he was angry, clenching his fist at his side, he looked around for the culprit, that caused all of this.

Spotting Seung near the elevator, Taehyung grabbed him by his shirt collar, his fist connecting with Seung's jaw, Seung's head did a 90 degree turn, before he turned his head slightly to look at Taehyung, his tongue swiping out to lick his lip, where he had been punched for the second time that day.


Taehyung yelled, everyone on that floor, turned to look at the two, Seung smirked walking closer up to Taehyung, his nose flaring in anger, Taehyung waited for his answer.

"I only took what's mine, now you wouldn't know how that feels would you?"

Seung said, grinning, before Taehyung could land another punch unto Seung's face, someone grabbed his arm, from behind, stopping him in his tracks.

"this isn't the place for that, both of you, in my office now"

The person with the commanding tone said, both men glared at each other, with anger and resentment in their eyes, but none the less, they followed the man to his office.


You were now sitting in the front seat of your brothers car, as he drove you to his house, the ride was silent, your brother glancing at you from time to time, to make sure that you were ok.

"y/n, I'm so sorry, I wasn't there to protect you, like I promised"

Hearing what your brother said, you started crying once more, it was your fault, you kept thinking all of this happened because of you, it was all your fault and now you were once again broken by the one guy who held your heart.

Time Stamp: 10:00am

"I can't feel anything anymore"


A/n: I dunno why I like making my characters suffer *laughs evily*

Anyhow I do hope your day/night is going fine ♡

Anyhow I do hope your day/night is going fine ♡

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