Chapter 25

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"And the suffering continues"

Time Stamp: 09:10pm

Even though your brother said it was ok, for you to stay at his house, you opted for spending the night at Taehyungs own, your brother wanted to protest at first, but he figured that would be the best choice for you, so as for you guys to work things out, saying his goodbye's to you, he waited till Taehyungs car, had gone out of sight, before turning back into his house.

Walking to the back of the house, he let in the person whom had been waiting outside for a bit, leaning on the counter top in his kitchen, he looked at the woman who seemed to be flustered.

"she's gone right?"

The woman said taking a seat, at the counter top island, Shin just nodded his head, looking over the woman's figure, his gaze slightly intense, biting his bottom lip, he looked at the woman with lustful eyes, his gaze now returning to hers, she had the same look in her own.

"so Mrs. Wang, what did I do to deserve such an honorable visit, especially from a married woman at that?"

Shin said, eyeing the woman's wedding ring on her finger, she looked down at her left hand, removing the ring from her finger, placing it on the counter top, walking up to Shin, she grabbed a hold of his tie, her fingers making a circular motion over his shirt.

"it's just Yuna for tonight"

Yuna said as she tiptoed, giving Shin, a sweet but slightly aggressive kiss on the lips, Shin just grinned at her, lifting her up in the air, her legs, quickly wrapping around his waist, one of her hand, grabbing the back of his head, as she pulled his head, closer to deepen the kiss between the two of them, the kiss getting heated, with each second that ticked by.

Pulling away to catch a breath of air, the two of them looked at each other, Shin staring at Yuna's swollen lips, he smirked.

"we'll take this upstairs and just so you know, I'm the one in control here"


The ride between you and Taehyung to his house was silent the whole time, although Taehyung did hold your hand in his, squeezing it the whole time, just to reassure you, that he didn't regret his decision. Keeping your head looking out the window, Taehyung kept, sparing glances at you, wondering to himself, what did he do, to deserve someone as amazing as you, to love a guy like him.

(here I am writing about relationships and ya girl single asf💀)

Arriving at the house, the two of you got out of the car and started heading up the driveway to Taehyungs house, opening the door and entering, Taehyung waited for you, at the entrance of the house, looking behind you, across to your house, you could see the lights on in the bedroom, that you used to share, with Seung, staring at the window, you saw Seung, his back was facing you, then all of a sudden, another figure leaped at him tackling him down unto the floor, you knew it was a woman, just from the silhouette.

Peeling away your eyes from the window, you looked back at Taehyung, whose hand was still on the door knob, as he waited for you to enter, you didn't see the way his hand, clenched around the knob, the way his knuckles turned white, you didn't notice either, shaking your head slightly, to avoid shedding tears, you entered the house, Taehyung locking the door behind him, you weren't looking at him.

As your eyes scanned his house, you weren't able to look around that much, the first time you had been there, for various reasons, it was also the first time you and Taehyung actually...... remembering what happened you became flustered and for some reason you didn't want to look at Tae, you didn't want to look at the one man, that you had Sex with, besides your boyfriend.


Hearing Taehyung call out your name, you turned slightly to face him, you didn't know why you were being shy all of a sudden, but it didn't matter.

Walking towards you, Taehyung grabbed you by the waist, leaving you frozen in shock, hoisting you up in the air, by reflex you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, to prevent yourself from falling.

Pushing you up against the wall, Taehyungs hands now laying underneath your butt, so that he can better be able to hold you up, tilting his head sideways, he kissed you passionately yet gently, opening your mouth slightly to give him more access, his tongue touching your own, both moving in sync, one of your hands grabbed unto his hair, your finger tips brushing through his now blonde hair, tugging his head closer you deepened the kiss, getting more turned on by each second that the kiss got more intense, you hands started, trying to unbutton his shirt.

Grabbing both of your hands, Taehyung pinned each one on the wall, on either side of your head, pulling away from the kiss, both of you breathing heavily, trying to catch your breaths, one hand pinning yours, Taehyungs other hand was used to caress your lips with his thumb, closing your eyes at the feeling, you opened them once more, making direct eye contact with him, the only look in his eyes was of love and adoration.

"only look at me y/n, only me"

Taehyung said pressing his head to yours, kissing you on the forehead, he hugged you close, his sweet gesture, bringing you to tears.

(I'm about to mess you up Anna😹)

Hearing someone cough you looked towards the stairs case, and there stood, an unknown woman, a woman that you didn't even know, Following your gaze, Taehyung looked towards the staircase, an annoyed look on his face.

"hyuna, what are you doing here?"

Taehyung said to the woman, she just stared at you two smiling, as she slowly walked down the stairs, Taehyung ignored her turning his attention back to you, he was about to begin kissing you once again, when for some reason, you covered your hands, over his mouth blocking him from doing just that, Taehyung looked at you with an annoyed expression too, licking the palm of your hands, he made you retract your hands quickly, smirking he leaned in closer, taking your mouth with his.

"wow, right in front of me?"

Time Stamp: 10:00pm

"so much for my happy ending"


A/n: Anna don't hate me for this lmao

Anyhow who do you think hyuna is?

That's the question for the day♡

That's the question for the day♡

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