Chapter 3

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"I don't love you that way"

Time Stamp: 4:05pm

"what do you want Mr. Kim?"

"I want you to listen to me y/n, I'm sorry"

Taehyung said to you as he held your hand in his with one hand, his other hand held your cheeks, as he stared deep into your eyes, it reminded you of the way he used to look at you, the way you'd get lost just looking into his eyes. You missed the feeling of warmth you always felt from him hugging you.

Everything was so fine between you two, you guys never dated but to you having him as your best friend was enough, until he decided pushed back that thought from your mind, you didn't want to remember.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim I dunno what you're talking about"

You said avoiding eye contact with him. Taehyung's jaw clenched, as he tightened his grip on your wrist and with his other hand he grabbed your jaw roughly, turning your head to face him.

"y/n, you know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm sorry for l..."

"if that's all, I'd like you to let go of me Mr. Kim I have somewhere to be"

You said cutting taehyung off, as you slapped his hand away from your jaw, and removed his other hand that was holding your wrist.

"business huh, you mean with that guy from the elevator, don't you"

Taehyung scoffed as he glared at you, you weren't scared in the slightest, you returned an equal glare at him, taehyung tensed up slightly.

"and what if I do?"

You spat at him, your anger was starting to rise, you felt hurt and dejected, angry and in the whole just pissed off.

"what does he have that I don't?"

Taehyung said his voice sounding hoarse and slightly irritated, he was hurt and you knew it, but you didn't care.

"well for one thing, he stuck by me for the last three years, unlike someone who just up and left"

You said poking taehyung harshly in the chest. As you backed him up into the wall. As his back hit the wall, it caused a loud thud, causing the people on the other side of the wall to hear it.

"y/n, you know I was just..."

"save it taehyung, I'm done with you, I'm finally happy with Seung and I don't want you or anyone else butting in, got that?"

You said in a harsh tone, you were so done with his shit, you didn't wanna go through the same thing again, you didn't want the past to replay itself. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you remembered that day, but you tried your best not to make even one drop fall, but to your disappointment, one tear slowly crept out of your eyes and slid down your cheek, feeling the wet sensation on your face, you swiped away the tear with one hand, taehyung saw this and held both of your hands in his.

"y/n, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry that I left you all alone all those years ago, im sorry y/n please come back to me"

Taehyung said as he cupped your cheeks in the palm of his hand, he leaned forward kissing you harshly, but yet gentle at the same time, he was trying to convey his feelings to you, without thinking you kissed back slightly, taehyung smirked against your lips, as his hands wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him.

In that moment a picture of Seung's smiling face flashed through your mind.

Coming to a realization, you pushed taehyung back, he was shocked that you had broken the kiss, placing the back of your hand over your mouth, you shook your head from side to side.

"no, no I can't do this, not again tae, no"

You kept mumbling as you exited the room, closing the door behind you, your back hit the door, as you braced backwards, you didn't know what was what anymore.

You were just so shaken up at what you had done, that you didn't know if you'd be able to look Seung in the eye anymore. Taehyung on the other hand, mentally punched himself as he slid unto the floor, his back against a cabinet, he combed one hand through his hair, as he remembered the look on your face.

It's been 5 years and he's been missing you so badly, he knew he hurt you and he was sorry for that, he just didn't know how to make things right. He missed your smile, and your laughter, he missed having you in his arms.

When he finally got to see you after so long, his heart was overwhelmed with excitement, but you belonged to someone else, taehyung saw the way your face lit up whenever you saw Seung, the way a small smile would make its way to your lips, when he had caught you texting Seung in the middle of the meeting earlier today.

He was jealous, yes because you weren't his anymore, he knew he messed up but he didn't know how to make things right.

Time Stamp: 4:20pm

Getting up from the ground, you headed back to 3rd floor leading to your office. You sat down in your cubicle, laying your head down unto your desk, you hit your head repeatedly, a little harshly on it.


You heard someone call your name, as you looked up, you saw that it was Seung. You faked a small smile as you looked at him, he was so cute in your eyes, when Seung stooped down to your level, you raised one hand up and ruffled his hair slightly, causing him to chuckle at your gesture.

He held your hand in his and kissed the top of it, as he used his thumb to rub circle's on the back of your hand. You laughed slightly cause it felt good and you two just stared into each others eyes for a while.

"so what do you wanna eat?"

"how about pizza"

Seung asked and you answered with a grin, hearing what you said a huge smile came across Seung's face his cute dimples that you loved so much showing.

"you read my mind"

"and that's why I love you"

You both laughed, not noticing the man standing behind you two, watching you with an emotionless expression. Cha came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.

"someone's staring at you"

She whispered to you, so that only you could hear what she said, turning around to look behind you, you saw taehyung raising himself up from the wall and he turned exiting the office.

"are you sure it's ok, to leave him alone?"

Cha whispered to you again, as you returned your attention back to Seung, who had now stood up, he kissed you on the forehead and left to go finish his work off, so that you guy's could go home together.

"it's fine"

Time Stamp: 5:00pm

"why's this happening again?"

"why's this happening again?"

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