Chapter 17

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"it's all so endearing"

Time Stamp: 09:30am
At home

As Seung finished cleaning the house he started heading down the stairs, holding a basket full of laundry, reaching the bottom of the stairs, he started walking down the hallway, heading towards the kitchen, when he heard the door bell, Seung looked towards the door in confusion, wondering if you had forgotten something, setting the basket down unto the floor, he walked towards the front door, not bothering to look through the peep hole.

As soon as he opened the door, he shut it back quickly, looking around the house frantically, he was about to run and hide somewhere, when a loud banging on the door was heard.

"Seung let me in!!"


Back at the office, you had just finished typing, sighing in contentment you leaned back on your chair, swinging side to side, odd enough, Cha hadn't come to work that day, still swinging from side to side, you heard the office door being opened, bending your head slightly backwards to see who it was, because of the fact that you were too lazy to turn around, Seeing who it was, you jumped up out of your chair, running towards the person, you leaped into his arms, both of you falling unto the floor.

"get off of me you're heavy"

The guy said, pouting in anger, you punched him hard to the shoulder, getting up off of him, you walked back to you cubicle furious.

"come on y/n, you know I was just joking"

The guy said laughing as he stood up, walking behind you, you sat down in your chair, with a huff, your arms crossed over your chest.

"shut up, Shin"

You said to him, pulling up a chair next to you, Shin continued laughing, while you just pouted, angrily, turning your gaze away from him.

"now, now y/n, you know your big brother was just joking right, you're not heavy"

Shin said to you, as he held your hands, in his, you turned to look at him, giggling slightly as you gave him a hug.

"for a potato I mean"

Shin said still laughing, you gasped, grabbing the back of his head, pulling on his hair.

"say that again"

You said to Shin in an angry tone.

"alright, I'm sorry now let go of my hair"

Shin said as he clutched your hand, that was holding his hair, no longer laughing, smirking, you let go of his hair.

"we're not kids anymore you know, you don't have to pull my hair"

Shin said rubbing the back of his head, sticking out your tongue at him, you returned to typing on the computer, completely ignoring his existence.

"so you're ignoring me now, don't you wanna see what I brought back for you?"

Hearing what Shin said, you stopped typing abruptly, Shin smiled knowing he got your attention, he knew how much you loved when he brought back presents for you.

"what did you bring?" home

Seung was contemplating whether to open the door or not, it's been three years since he last saw the woman at the door, three years since she walked out on him, three years since she left him at the alter, because of her, he decided to wait on asking y/n to marry him, even though he wanted to more than anything, he decided to wait until the time was right.

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