First day at school

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Ross's POV

I got out of bed at 7:30 this morning I sighed and got in the shower when I came out of the shower I changed into white v-neck top with a pair of black jeans with a pair of red converses I messed my hair up well sorted it the way I like it.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mum but not my dad.

Ross: morning mum

Stormie: morning sweetheart

Ross: where's dad?

Stormie: he's gone work early

I nodded and I had my breakfast and then I got in my car and drove to school.

At school

I parked my car and got out I saw girls looking at me some guys looked jealous I ignored them all.

I walked into the headteachers office.

Headteacher: how can I help you?

Ross: I'm Ross Lynch I'm new here

Headteacher: ah Mr. Lynch here is your timetable and locker number I hope you enjoy Marino high *smiles*

I smiled back and then walked out of the room and went to find my locker. I finally found my locker I opened the door and I put my books away well the ones I didn't need.

???: hi

I turned around and saw a guy who had red hair and who was taller than me.

Ross: hi

???: I'm Calum

Ross: I'm Ross

Calum: want to be friends Ross?

Ross: sure

Calum: I want you to meet my other friend Raini

Ross: okay

I closed my locker door and followed Calum and I saw a girl with black frizzy hair.

Calum: Raini

Raini: hey Calum who's this

The girl pointed to me.

Calum: this is the new guy his name is Ross

Ross: hi

Raini: I'm Raini

Ross: so what is it like around here?

Calum: you have the popular group

Raini: the nerds

Calum: the rock music lovers

Raini: the outcasts

Calum: and then there's us

Ross: who is in the popular group?

Raini: you have Brooke, Kira, Michelle, Jake, Jason, Alex, Gemma and George

Ross: oh

Calum: be careful they will try to get guys like you because they like good looking guys

Ross: oh

Raini: *nods*

They told me a few things about this school and we all became best friends.

End of POV

Laura's PoV

I woke up this morning and took a shower and when I came out I changed into a white crop top with black skinny jeans and a pair of black and white converses I brushed my hair and then I walked down stairs and made myself some breakfast then there was a knock at the door.

I sighed and ate my breakfast and then I answered the door and I saw a woman with blonde hair.

Laura: hi can I help you?

???: I want to know where your Uncle is

Laura: he's either at work or at a friends house

By "work" or "friends house" I mean he's at a bar drunk.

???: tell him that Susan called by

Laura: I will

Susan: bye

Laura: bye

I closed the door and walked into the living room with a book in my hand I was on a book that my brother had he then moved to Africa with his girlfriend he likes to travel the world anyway the book he left me was 'The Hardy Boyz' it's really interesting other people might not get it but I'm at the part where it tells me about Jeff's music.

I finished reading and I put the book back then I heard a car engine I saw a blonde guy get out with a guy with red hair and a girl with black frizzy hair and they walked inside the house.

I sighed I had friends who would come over to my house and I had friends at school but ever since my Uncle started to abuse me I can't go out of the house because he is worried that I will go to the police but I'm too scared to go to them.

I told the school that I was dropping out this was back in my old town where I use to live I don't keep in contact with my old friends because when I told them that I had to move they didn't want to know me anymore.

I walked upstairs and put on my music I had some sad music playing but also some rock or pop the song that is currently playing is "love fury energy passion" by boy hits car I then heard a knock at the door and it was the blonde guy from earlier and he told me my music was too loud I apologised and then closed the door.

End of POV

Ross's PoV

I walked inside my house with Calum and Raini following I introduced them to my parents we then went to the backyard I heard music playing next door.

Ross: stay here I'll go to ask them next door to turn the music down because my parents aren't keen on this sort of music.

I walked inside the house and then out of the front door I made my way to the next door I knocked on and after 5 minutes the door opened to a petite brunette she was beautiful.

???: y....yes

Ross: hi umm I was hoping that you could turn your music down

???: I'm sorry it is too loud I'll turn it down

Ross: thank you

???: *smiles*

I walked away and she closed the door I went back to my house and saw Raini and Calum sitting on the grass in the back yard I walked up to them and told them about the girl I just met.

End of POV

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