The date/ the question

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Laura's POV

I walked inside my house and went straight to my room next thing i knew i had Rydel, Vanessa, Mia, Raini barge into my room.

Laura: woah 

Rydel: Ross told my brothers that he asked you out on a date 

Laura: yeah

Vanessa: so Rydel called us and we wanted to help you

Laura: girls I can get ready by myself

Raini: no way

Mia: yeah 

I sighed I knew I wouldn't win so I let them. They did my makeup so basically I took a shower and when I came out I had my makeup done instantly while Mia was going through my closet she picked out an outfit that I haven't wore in ages the last time I wore it was when I went to my aunts wedding. They did my hair and it was curled but with a piece of hair from the front go around to the back they used a clip to keep them in place.

Mia: what do you think girls?

Raini: perfect

I got the outfit and changed into so basically it was a darkish red with a black belt with a bow on the front, I had black heels, with some braclets and to top it off I put on my leather jacket.

Vanessa: amazing

Mia: totally

Laura: *rolls eyes*

I heard the doorbell ring the girls ran straight down the stairs I giggled then I walked down the stairs.

Ross: wow

Laura: you don't look bad yourself

Ross: shall we go?

Laura: we shall

We walked out of the house and Ross took me to his car and he opened the passenger door for me I got in and thanked him then he closed the door and got in the driver's side and drove off.

Laura: so where are we going?

Ross: not telling you

Laura: oh come on

Ross: no it's a surprise

Laura: *pouts* please

Ross: it's a surprise

Laura: I hate surprises

Ross: you'll love this one

Ross pulled up on a field I was confused then he got out and ran to my side and let me out we walked down the field and when he stopped I was so shocked I saw lights around the trees, a table with a candle in the middle with two chairs, I saw two bean bags and I saw a screen tied to two trees.

Ross: what do you think?

Laura: it's beautiful

Ross: like you Laura 

Laura: *blushes*

We walked to the chairs and Ross pulled my chair out for me I sat down then he sat down he is so sweet.

Ross: I'm really glad that you said yes

Laura: *smiles* Ross I could never say no to you

Ross: *smiles*

Laura: why did you ask me?

Ross: Laura you are beautiful, talented, sweet and caring girl Laur you have been there for me when I needed you the most besides I fell in love with you I didn't dare tell you just in case you got scared and didn't want to be friends anymore.

Laura: *smiles* 

Ross: so I thought that I would get the courage to ask you out and I was shocked that you said yes 

Laura: like I said Ross I could never say no to you because you're sweet, funny, caring you didn't have to save me from my uncle but you did 

Ross: *smiles* hey it's who I am 

Laura: you're amazing

Ross: no that's you

*A few moments later*

Ross: Laura I need to ask you something and I will truly understand if you say no but would you be my girlfriend?

Laura: yes 

Ross: really?

Laura: yeah you're the best no guy has ever cared enough for me like you have 

Ross: *smiles*

I am so glad that Ross saved me well I'm glad that I met him.

Laura: I'm so glad that I met you 

Ross: same here Laur

We stood up and we watched a movie on the screen I rested my head on his chest and he rested his head on mine I smiled.

End of POV

*At 10pm*

Ross's POV

We decided to go home since it was getting late. We walked to the car and I opened the door for Laura she got in and I drove back to Laura's house.

*At Laura's house*

I pulled up outside and opened the door for Laura and we walked to the front door I knocked on the door and Vanessa opened the door she smiled wide when she saw Laura.

Vanessa: hey

Ross: hey

Vanessa: how did it go?

Ross: she said yes

Vanessa: great Raura 

Ross: *laughs*

Vanessa: *smiles* 

Laura: night Ross

Ross: I'm taking you to your bed 

Laura: you don't have to

I picked Laura up bridal style and took her to her bedroom and laid her in her bed well after Vanessa took her shoes off then we both walked out Vanessa turned out the light.

Vanessa: thanks for that

Ross: no problem

Vanessa: night Ross

Ross: night Vanessa

I walked out of the front door and walked to my house and walked in I heard everyone was asleep or so I thought I saw the kitchen light on so I walked in and saw Riker and Rydel.

Riker: hey bro

Ross: hey

Rydel: how did it go?

Ross: she loved it 

Riker: what was her answer?

Ross: she said yes

Rydel: yay Raura

Ross: *rolls eyes* I'm tired 

Riker: go sleep

Ross: *nods* 

I slowly walked up the stairs and walked into my room and as soon as I got in my bed I instantly fell asleep.

End of POV

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