2 months later

104 1 0

Laura's POV

I've been in that school for 4 months and it has gotten better after that music assessment Taylor and Sophia haven't bullied me and I even told Ross that he was confused and so was Raini and Mia when I told them.

Mia: hey Laur

Laura: hey

Mia: you okay?

Laura: I'm fine 

Mia: you sure?

Laura: yeah I'm just confused with Taylor and Sophia but also I have guys looking at me like I'm new

Mia: I've noticed that but I'd ignore them they will always do that to people like that

Guy 1: hey girll

Mia: go away Lewis

Lewis: why Mia? I wanna talk to this pretty lady

Mia: well she doesn't want to talk to you

Lewis: do you want to talk to me?

Laura: no thank you

The Lewis guy walked off then another guy came behind me and I instantly reacted and kicked him down there and he groaned I turned around Mia came behind me.

Mia: nice shot Laur

Laura: umm who is that?

Mia: ex boyfriend Jake

Laura: oh

Mia: so you gave a good shot

Laura: I instantly reacted when someone comes behind me I react and it ends bad for the other person 

Mia: I can tell besides you still have it 

Laura: have it?

Mia: yeah you use to attack anyone who came close to you well behind you

Laura: oh that yeah I still do that it's the other person's fault that they come up behind me

???: I'll keep that in mind

I turned around and saw Ross I smiled.

Laura: yeah

Mia: I'll leave you two alone

Laura: Mia you still coming over tonight?

Mia: yup I'll have Raini with me

Laura: okay 

Mia: bye Raura

Ross+Laura: what?

Mia: Ross and Laura = Raura

We rolled our eyes and she gave her classic smile then walked away.

Ross: was she always like that?

Laura: *nods*

Ross: so what do we have next?

Laura: science

Ross: great I swear that teacher hates me

Laura: you never listen to her and when you do you sometimes get the experiment wrong and remember what happened last time you painted the whole classroom blue we had to do our science lesson somewhere else.

Ross: it weren't my fault

Laura: oh really

Ross: yes the teacher didn't explain it right

Laura: *rolls eyes* let's go

We walked to our science lesson.

*In science*

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