The hang out

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Laura's POV

I got home and changed into a white crop top with the word adidas with a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of black and white converses I brushed my hair and then my phone buzzed I looked at the ID it was Ethan.


Hey Laura I am on my way to your house I am looking forward to getting to know you better

From Ethan

I smiled at that text I walked downstairs then I heard my phone go again it's Ross this time.


Hey Laura you want to hang out?

From Ross

I sighed.


Sorry Ross I have plans maybe some other time.

From Laura

I heard a car horn and I walked out of the door and saw a black Land Rover Discovery one of the new ones I shut the front door and walked to the car and got in.

Ethan: you ready

Laura: yeah

I closed the door and Ethan drove off.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I decided to text Laura and see if she is okay and if she wants to hang out when she said that she has plans what does she mean I then heard a car engine pull up so I looked out of the window the door to Laura's house opens and Laura walks out and heads to the car and gets in.

Who is that? Where is she going? I texted Calum and Raini to come over to my house. After about 10 minutes there was a knock on the door I opened the door and saw it was Raini and Calum they walked in.

Calum: what's wrong?

Ross: I just texted Laura to see if she wants to hang out she says she has plans and then a car pulls up and she gets in the car and I want to know who is in the car.

Raini: oh you mean Ethan

Ross: what?

Raini: well while you were talking to those two bitches Ethan asked Laura if she wants to hang out after school Laura turned to face you and when she saw that you were still talking to those two she turned back around to face him and she said yes.

Ross: why would she say yes?

Calum: you did ignore her when she needed you

Ross: I know but she doesn't know what he will do

Raini: Ross calm down Ethan has changed 

Ross: yeah right he hasn't

I will expose Ethan for who he really is.

End of POV

Laura's POV

Ethan is taking  me to the ice cream shop.

Ethan: so which school were you from before you moved to ours

Laura: I went to this school in New York and it didn't work out

Ethan: what happened?

Laura: I sort of got bullied by the popular group because of how I looked.

Ethan: why would they bully a sweet girl like you?

Laura: I use to wear glasses and my hair was just plain brown and everything so I got bullied for it so when I moved here I changed myself.

Ethan: you are always beautiful Laura

Laura: *smiles* you're sweet

Ethan: I try

Laura: *giggles*

Ethan pulled up and he got out I was about to get out but Ethan opened the door for me.

Laura: thank you 

Ethan: no problem 

We walked into the ice cream shop and he ordered for me.

Laura: you know you didn't have to do that

Ethan: I know but I wanted to

Laura: *smiles*

I then saw in the corner of my eye a bit of blonde it was Ross.

Laura: excuse me

Ethan: what's wrong?

Laura: I have just seen someone who I need to talk to

Ethan: I'll come with you

Laura: okay

We got our ice cream and walked out of the shop and I walked up to Ross I saw Ethan's facial expression it read 'not surprised'.

Laura: what are you doing here Ross?

Ross: I wanted to know where you went

Laura: I am hanging out with another friend Ross

Ross: but he is just using you

Ethan: I am not 

Laura: why do you always argue 

Ross: he did something to us which made me hate him 

Ethan: look I don't care what you think I have changed 

Ross: yeah right I will never ever believe you

Laura: ugh cut it out both of you

They stopped and looked at me.

Laura: Ross I'll hang out with you tomorrow but if you don't stop arguing then I won't hang out with any of you 

Ethan: I respect your decision 

Laura: thank you Ethan 

Ross: I respect your decision as well

Laura: well guys stop arguing and fighting

They nodded and then I walked away with Ethan following me.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I watched Laura walk away with Ethan behind I swear I will expose him for who he really is then I can prove to Laura about him.

End of POV

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