Ross and Laura become friends

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Laura's POV

I am in my room with music playing I had the song 'similar creatures' I then heard the doorbell go I sighed and left my music playing I walked downstairs and saw my uncle.

Laura's uncle: hello Laura how is my sweet little cousin

Laura: hi Uncle 

Laura's uncle: *steps inside the house* I want to see how you have been

Laura: I've been great uncle 

Laura's uncle: good I'm gonna make you some dinner

Laura: thanks uncle

My uncle walked into the kitchen I told you he was sweet to me when he wasn't drunk I closed the door and then the doorbell went again.

Laura's uncle: will you get that?

Laura: I got it

I opened the door and Ross was standing there I smiled.

Ross: hi

Laura: hi

Ross: I forgot to ask yesterday if you wanted to be friends

Laura: sure

Ross: great 

Laura: if you need anything I'm here

Ross: same to you

Laura: *smiles*

Ross: here is my number

Ross gave me his number and I gave him mine then he went back to his house I closed the front door and I got called into the kitchen and my dinner was ready.

Laura's uncle: here is your dinner sweetie

Laura: thanks uncle

I sat down at the table and he placed the plate in front of me and I ate.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I woke up and heard a song go it didn't sound familiar I have never heard of the song anyway I saw a guy knock Laura's front door she opened the door and she smiled in a way then the guy walked in the house I need to ask if we could be friends.

I walked out of the front door and then walked over to her house and knocked on the door I asked for her number and I gave her mine then I went back to my house. 

Stormie: how did it go

Ross: well we are friends

Stormie: that's nice

Ross: I'm glad that we are friends 

Stormie: *smiles* me and your dad are going out 

Ross: okay

Stormie: we won't be back till 10pm so I don't want any parties while we are gone

Ross: *nods*

My mum walked out of the kitchen and upstairs I just walked into the living room and turned on the TV.

End of POV

Laura's POV

My uncle just left my house he was being all nice he hasn't drank today which I'm glad about yeah my uncle doesn't live with me but he checks up on me he mostly comes when he is drunk and he doesn't even know that he is hurting me anyway I walked into my living room and turned the TV on to the music channel I always listen to music it helps me relax but also I use to play the piano but my uncle smashed it when he was drunk and he still hasn't notice and that was when I was 12 he thinks that I gave it up but I haven't I still wanna play. I had the song Avril Lavigne 'Skater boi' then there was a knock at my front door I sighed what now.

I stood up and opened the door there stood Ross.

Laura: hi

Ross: hey

Laura: what's up?

Ross: I was wondering could I come in and me and you could hang out?

I thought should I? I mean I haven't been near anyone in ages I'm scared of guys a little but not fully but with Ross I feel like I can trust him.

Laura: sure

I stepped aside so Ross could come in and I closed the door and we walked into the living room.

Ross: nice place

Laura: thanks

I'm scared to mess the house up that's why.

Ross: must take ages to keep it this clean

Laura: yeah

Yeah about 2 to 3 hours.

Ross: so let's get to know each other a little better

Laura: okay

Ross: what's your favourite colour?

Laura: red what's yours?

Ross: yellow

Laura: where are you from?

Ross: I'm from New York

Laura: I was gonna go there for a holiday but our plans changed 

Ross: oh

Laura: yeah how come you moved here?

Ross: my dads work moved us over here and so far I like it here it's better than New York 

Laura: *smiles*

Ross: have you lived here all your life?

Laura: yeah pretty much I have seen people come and go in this neighbourhood 

Ross: really?

Laura: yeah

Ross: why?

Laura: I'm not sure but I know that 2 families left because of me 

Ross: because of you?

Laura: *nods* yeah 'cause apparently I was "bullying" their daughter

Ross: were you?

Laura: no they made that up just to get out of here

Ross: don't worry I am not moving

Laura: *smiles* who are those two people that go over to your house?

Ross: those are my other friends Calum and Raini 

Laura: what are they like?

Ross: funny Raini is sassy she will stick up for you or herself and Calum is just a plain goofball

Laura: sounds nice

They sound like Emily and Derek they were like that then they went with Amelia and then everything turned grey in my life.

Ross: Laura?

Laura: *snaps back to reality* huh?

Ross: are you okay?

Laura: yeah I'm fine why?

Ross: you just zoned out

Laura: oh I'm fine don't worry *smiles*

We carried on talking me and Ross have a few things in common.

End of POV

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