another month later/ New day at school

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Laura's POV

Today is Monday and it's my first day at this new school. I am really nervous anyway I woke up at 7:20am I got out of bed and took a shower then changed into a black crop top with dark blue skinny jeans with black heeled boots then brushed my teeth then I brushed my hair and walked down the stairs and then I heard a car horn I opened the door and saw Ross I smiled and grabbed my bag and walked out to him.

Ross: ready?

Laura: y...yeah but I am nervous

Ross held my hand.

Ross: I'll be right beside you Laur 

Then he let my hand go and he drove to the school.

*At the school*

Ross pulled up outside the school I saw guys and girls then we got out he walked to me and we walked inside I saw guys staring at me I felt uncomfortable but Ross held my hand to tell me that he is here for me.

*Inside the school*

We walked to the head teacher's office to get my time table and locker keys.

Head teacher: hello

Laura: h...hi

Head teacher: and who might you be

Ross: this is Laura Marano she is new to this school and we came here to ask for her locker keys and time table but can I be in all of her lessons

Head teacher: give me a minute

The teacher walked out of the room and we waited.

Laura: Ross what if you can't be with me every lesson?

Ross: I will always be by your side 

The head teacher walked back in and he smiled.

Head teacher: here is your locker key and your time table and the good news is that Ross you are in all of Laura's classes

Ross: thank you

Head teacher: no problem

We walked out of the room and I saw guys looking at me again I held Ross' hand again and the guys looked jealous I was confused. Me and Ross walked to this room and I saw a group of girls in one corner and another group of boys in another corner. They looked up and the girls glared at me and the guys smiled at me I was close to Ross.

Ross: it's okay they won't hurt you

Laura: the girls are glaring at me and I just remember you know what

Ross: I know but if you need help I will always be here for you

Laura: I know Ross *smiles*

Girl: hey you! Brunette 

I didn't dare turn around so I didn't I kept my focus on Ross until I felt a hand on my shoulder and the person spun me around and I saw a girl with black hair she had makeup on and she was around my height, she also had green eyes and she didn't look happy with me.

Girl: hey I shouted to you and you ignored me and nobody ignores me

Ross: back off Taylor

Taylor: Ross this is a girl thing

Ross: I don't care if you want to talk about girl things then go back to your friends just leave my best friend alone

Taylor: you are best friends with her *sees her scars* I mean come on Ross she has scars on her arms

Girl 2: no way

Taylor: come here Sophia 

This Sophia girl walked up to us and she saw the scars on my arm I was nervous then Raini walked in the room and she attacked Taylor and Sophia I walked away but I bumped into a guy who was walking into the room.

???: I'm so sorry

Laura: it's not your fault it's mine I wasn't looking where I was going

???: I'm Ethan 

Laura: I'm Laura

Ethan: you new?

Laura: yeah

Ethan: how do you like it here so far?

Laura: it's okay but I just got 2 girls on me they started on me 

Ethan: sounds like Sophia and Taylor

Laura: I think it was them

Ethan: hey if you need help with anything I'm here for ya

Laura: really?

Ethan: sure

Laura: thank you

Ethan: no problem

Then he walked in the room while I felt a presence next to me and it was Ross he placed a hand on my back and gave me a small smile.

Ross: hey they are only jealous of you

Laura: but?

Ross: they are jealous Laura you are amazing and they just want to be like you

Laura: but they just met me?

Ross: yes but it is what those girls do they see someone and then they instantly want to become that person

Laura: really?

Ross: yeah

Laura: *smiles*

Me and Ross went to a room.

Ross: this is a tutor group

Laura: what?

Ross: every morning you come to this room and you get signed in and then the bell goes and you go to your first lesson.

Laura: oh

Taylor: you have not been so a normal school 

Sophia: *laughs*

???: hey leave her alone!

Taylor: why babe?

???: starters I'm not your babe anymore and second don't even think about bullying her I will sort you out in a way

Sophia: Ethan you can't even touch a girl

Ethan: I wasn't referring to me 

Taylor: what?

Ethan: Laura is new here give her some slack she isn't like the other girls she just keeps herself to herself so leave her alone

Taylor: fine whatever

They walked away and Ethan walked to me and gave me a small smile.

Ethan: hey don't let them girls get to ya 

Laura: thanks Ethan

Ethan: no problem

Then he walked off and Raini walked up to me and she pulled me away.

Raini: how can you get Ethan Jones to talk to you on your first day?

Laura: I don't know he came up to me and started to talk to me 

Raini: girls will go crazy they all have a crush on Ethan and if people found out that you spoke to him then they will ask you questions since Ethan never talks to anyone but his friends.

I can't believe that this Ethan guy talked to me first and I also didn't know he was quite popular.

End of POV

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