Ethan and Ross like Laura

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Ross's POV

I'm walking down the corridor Laura is with Mia I then got pulled by someone I saw it was Ethan I rolled my eyes.

Ross: what do you want?

Ethan: I just want to tell you to stay away from Laura

Ross: how about no she is my best friend not yours

Ethan: well I like her a lot

Ross: no you don't you just want to use her 

Ethan: I told you I have changed

Ross: I highly doubt that Ethan I can see straight through you

Ethan: yeah sure you can 

Ross: if I were you I would stay away from Laura

Ethan: you're jealous because Laura likes me besides I know that you like Laura

Ross: *rolls eyes* trust me I know Laura and when she finds out about who you really are she won't go near you and she won't even talk to you

Ethan: yeah right because I'll prove to Laura who you really are 

Ross: yeah and what's that

Ethan: you are so selfish you don't care about her you just care about yourself

Ross: *fake laughs* you are so funny Ethan because Laura has known me for 3 years 

Ethan: want a medal for that

Ross: *glares* just remember this Jones I will expose you and trust me when I say this you won't like the outcome of this

Ethan: I'm so scared *sarcastic*

Ross: I would watch out because when I expose you

Ethan rolled his eyes and I walked away well tried to he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and I just punched him and then walked away no one does that to me.

I saw Laura she saw me and smiled.

Laura: hey Ross

Ross: hey Laura

Laura: where have you been?

Ross: no where why?

Laura: I was looking for you

Ross: let's go

Me and Laura walked out from the school since it was the end of the day I saw Ethan I glared while Laura wasn't looking.

End of POV

Laura's POV

Me and Mia were talking then her boyfriend came so I went looking for Ross I saw him so I ran up to him and smiled.

Laura: hey Ross

Ross: hey Laura

Laura: where have you been?

Ross: no where why?

Laura: I was looking for you

Ross: let's go

We walked out of the school he had his arm over my shoulder and we walked to his car and he drove us home.

Laura: thanks Ross

Ross: no problem 

I got out of his car and walked inside my house and put my bag on the floor and went upstairs put some music on the first song that played was love fury energy and passion a family member made me listen to this song. 

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