1 month later

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Ross's PoV

Laura has been doing well lately.

End of POV

Laura's PoV

Ross has helped me so much lately and now I'm nearly back to normal really he is such a sweetheart to me I see Mia now and again she is still the same and she said that she will look after me if I go to school again I was in my room listening to music .... oh yeah I am back in my house now anyway the song I was listening to is 'jar of hearts'.

I then heard a knock on my door I turned my music off then I walked down the stairs and opened the door it revealed Raini and Mia.

Laura: hey

Mia: hi

Laura: what's up?

Mia: we are gonna have a girls night

Laura: *smiles*

I let them in and I closed the door behind them and I walked into the living room with the girls.

Mia: we thought you would like some girl time

Laura: sure *smiles* I would love that

Raini: great 

I turned the TV on and put the music channel on and we were talking about everything then the subject came onto boys.

Raini: so Laura you and Ross

Laura: what about me and Ross?

Mia: are you two a thing?

Laura: what? No we are friends

Mia: sure you are I have seen the way he is with you

Raini: and I saw how you were with him yesterday

Mia: tell 

Laura: all we did was sit on the beach

Raini: and you put your head on his chest

Mia: you didn't

Laura: yeah why?

Mia: that's what a girl does to a guy when she's in love

Laura: love?

Raini: oh my gosh you don't know what love is

Laura: no

Mia: we will teach you and we will help you with the love and we will also tell you with what you and Ross do is either friendly or something a couple would do.

Laura: really?

The girls nodded and I gave a small smile I never knew what love was well ever since I turned 9 I didn't know what love was or how it felt. 

Mia: I can't believe I found you again

Raini: am I missing something?

Mia: ages ago me and Laura lived on the same street then one day she moved here and I never saw her again until now

Laura: *smiles*

Mia: we brought our pj's me and Raini are gonna get changed

Laura: okay

They walked up the stairs and went to my room to get changed when I heard the doorbell go again I walked to the door and opened it up to it reveal Ross and Calum behind him but I also saw a guy I don't know.

Ross: hey Laur

Laura: hey

Ross: you want to come out with us we have tried Mia and Raini but they aren't answering their phones.

Laura: oh umm I have guests over and they are staying the night so I can't

Ross: alright maybe some other time 

Laura: yeah bye fellas

Ross: bye

They walked away and I closed the door I walked to my room to see Mia and Raini looking through a few photos that was on my bedside unit and my chester draws.

Laura: *fake coughs*

They quickly turned around and gave me a cheeky smile I rolled my eyes.

Mia: hey

Laura: why are you looking at the photos

Raini: we just saw them and we wanted to look at them

Laura: *smiles* 

Mia: so who was at the door?

Laura: Ross, Calum and a guy I don't recognise 

Raini: what did they want?

Laura: they asked if I wanted to hang out with them they rang you two but you didn't answer your phones so they didn't know

Mia: we turned our phones off 

Laura: why?

Raini: so we don't get any interruptions but I guess we can turn them on now

They turned their phones on while I got my pj's and walked into my bathroom and changed into my pj's and then when I walked out I saw my TV on and the girls were sitting on my bed with a movie each in their hands.

Laura: well 

Mia: hey

Raini: we want to know what movie you want to watch

I saw the movies 'a walk to remember' and 'letters to Juliet'.

Laura: a walk to remember 

They nodded and Mia put the movie in I want to know how she can use my TV but to be honest I don't care anyway I walked downstairs and got some snacks and drinks I took it upstairs and then I walked back down and locked the door then once I did I ran back upstairs and sat on my bed next to Raini. 

End of POV

Ross's POV

Me, Calum and Daren walked around the street.

Calum: what's with you and Laura?

Ross: what?

Daren: are you two a thing?

Ross: no we are just friends

Calum: come on we've seen the way you look at her and the way you act

Daren: it's different to anyone else

Ross: she's my best friend

Calum: Ross we know you everytime you say a girl is your best friend it then changes to you liking her and you then ask her out and then after that the girl says yes.

Ross: not all the time

Calum: really 

Ross: yes 

Daren: just give it time and soon you might date her

Ross: oh shut up guys

They laughed.

End of POV

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