Laura meets Ross' sibilings

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Ross's POV

I woke up and saw I was in Laura's room and she was next to me she had dry tear stains on her cheeks I saw the time it's 9am I looked to my left and saw Laura waking up.

Ross: you okay?

Laura: *nods* yeah thanks for staying last night

Ross: no problem

I then got a text off my mum.


Ross your sibilings are coming today so come back over they will be here at 11

From mum

Laura: you okay?

Ross: yeah I'm fine

Laura: you sure

Ross: *sighs* my sibilings are coming over today at 11 and they just go on and on about their life and how they are doing and all that sort of stuff don't get me wrong I'm happy for them but it's just the same thing each and everytime.

Laura: hey at least you got sibilings I have none I'm an only child

Ross: come over to my house and you can meet them also you can stay away from your uncle

Laura: you mean go outside?

Ross: yeah

Laura: what if my uncle comes back and he hurts you because I'm at your place

Ross: don't worry about me

Laura: but?

Ross: come on I will protect you Laura I told you that last night and I keep my promises *smiles*

Laura: okay

I got out of bed and so did Laura she walked into her bathroom and when she came out she was wearing a white tank top with black jeans and a pair of black and white converses and she put a demin jacket on then we walked out of her house and over to mine she looked terrified.

Ross: don't worry

Laura: *takes a deep breath* okay

I opened the front door and saw Riker, Rocky and Ryland they turned around and saw me and smiled.

Riker: hey lil bro

Ross: hi Riker

Rocky: who's this?

Ross: my best friend

Then I heard a squeal and it's Rydel she ran in and hugged my brothers, mum and dad and finally me.

Rydel: I've missed you *sees Laura* and who is this girl?

Ross: Rydel this is my best friend Laura she lives next door

Laura: h..hi

Rydel: well Laura I'm Rydel

Riker: I'm Riker and this is Rocky *points to Rocky* and this is Ryland *points to Ryland*

Laura: nice to meet you

Ross: umm mum can we talk

Stormie: sure come into the kitchen

I nodded while my brothers and sister walked into the living room me and Laura walked into the kitchen I closed the door.

Stormie: what's wrong?

Ross: last night I saw something from Laura's house

Stormie: Ross

Laura: it's okay Mrs Lynch

Ross: I saw Laura's uncle abusing her so I spent the night at her house to let her know that she is safe.

Stormie: oh my what did your uncle do sweetheart

Laura: well he....

Laura took off her jacket to reveal the scars, brusies and marks they looked like burnt marks.

Laura: he did all this

Ross: Laur you didn't tell me about this bit

Laura: *looks down*

Stormie: come here

Laura hugged my mum wow she hasn't been out, she has had no one to talk to she has been so lonely.

Ross: mum I was wondering could me and Laura go into town?

Stormie: okay

Ross: thanks mum

We walked out of the kitchen and out of the house as soon as we got out of the house I held Laura's hand.

Ross: don't worry I'm here with you

Laura: *sad smile*

Ross: Laura I won't let him touch you while I'm here

Laura: thanks Ross

Ross: no problem Laur

We walked into town Laura didn't feel comfortable being outside but I let her know that I am here and I won't be going anywhere.

We got to the police station and walked in.

Lady at the desk: hello how can I help you?

Ross: hi can we talk to the chief

Lady at the desk: of course

She called someone and then a guy came in a police uniform.

Chief: hello

Ross: hi sir

Chief: follow me

We followed him into his office.

In the chief's office

We walked in and sat down he sat opposite us.

Chief: how can I help you?

Ross: I want to report a abuse to a young girl

Chief: okay who is this girl? Who is the person who abused the girl?

Ross: the girl is right next to me and it was her uncle who abuses her

Laura took her jacket off and showed the officer her burnt marks, scars and bruises.

Chief: where does he live?

Laura: I don't know he keeps moving

Ross: he also wouldn't let Laura out of the house because he was "scared" that Laura would come here

Chief: where do you live m'am

Laura told the officer where she lived and he brought us to his car and we got in and so did he. Then he drove off to Laura's house.

End of POV

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