The next day

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Laura's POV

I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun I sighed and went back sleep my tutor doesn't get here till 9 and the time is 7:30am.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I woke up and got out of bed took a shower and changed into a white v-neck top with the word addias in black with a pair of black skinny jeans with rips at the knees with white high tops and to top it off I put on a leather jacket. I walked down the stairs and saw my parents sitting in the kitchen.

Mark: morning Ross

Ross: morning mum morning dad

Stormie: morning sweetheart

Mark: does Laura go to your school?

Ross: I didn't ask her so I guess I will see today

Stormie: ok have a good day

Ross: I will 

I grabbed an apple and got in my car and drove to school.

*At school*

I parked my car and I saw Calum and Raini run to me.

Calum: hey Ross

Ross: hey have you seen Laura?

Raini: who's Laura?

Ross: umm no one

She doesn't go to this school.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I woke up again and got out of bed then got into the shower when I came out I changed into a crop top which was a maroon colour with a pair of blue skinny jeans with black heeled boots that got above the ankle I brushed my hair and straightened it. I heard a knock on the door I walked down the stairs and opened the door and saw Yasmin Keeling my tutor.

Yasmin: hello Laura

Laura: hey Yasmin 

Yasmin walked inside the house and I closed the door we walked inside the living room and she set everything up for me she was my only friend before I met Ross and she has helped me a lot.

Yasmin: before we start 

Laura: yeah

Yasmin: what's wrong?

Laura: nothing 

Yasmin: Laura I know you

Laura: okay its just my uncle one minute he's nice then next he's all abusive

Oh yeah forgot to mention Yasmin knows about my uncle she wanted to go the police when she found out but I told her not to and I gave her a reason why she understood.

Yasmin: I know but you can't let him keep running your life Laura you're 17 you have your life ahead of you and you can't waste it by being locked in your house I know you like it here

Laura: I know Yas but you know I'm afraid to go outside

Yasmin: we can get through this together

Laura: thank you Yas I don't know what I would do without you

We smiled at each other and then Yas helped me with my education.

End of POV

Ross's POV

It's second lesson which is maths great anyway I sit by a girl called Mia and she is nice and all she also asked me if I'd go on a date with her but like I said she's nice and all but not my type. She was fine with it so we are just friends and it is gonna stay that way.

Mia: hey Ross what are you doing after school?

Ross: visit my best friend

Mia: who is your best friend?

Ross: her name is Laura

Mia: Laura? What's her last name?

Ross: Marano why?

Mia: I know her

Ross: really

Mia: yeah me and her use to be best friends then she moved here and I followed after about a month or two and then all of a sudden we lost contact and she never told me why or even before.

Ross: maybe you want to come over to her house with me tonight

Mia: sure I'd love to

The bell rang telling us it's break I found Calum and Raini waiting outside for me and we walked up the courts and sat at the far end of the courts.

Raini: how was your lesson Ross?

Ross: it was alright

Calum: didn't fall asleep?

Ross: no I was sitting next to Mia

Raini: nice 

Calum: yeah I sat by Jemma

Raini: I sat by Elliot 

Ross: what do you have next?

Calum: art

Raini: science

Ross: music

Calum: we all meet at locker

We nodded and then the bell went again and we went to our next lesson.

*In music*

I walked in and we had to play an instrument so basically we can do a cover song either with piano, guitar, drums or any other instruments. I chose piano and I thought of a song that I could play others went first.

I then thought I would do the piano version of 'all of me by John Legend' it was my turn and I sat behind the piano and played the tune.

Once I finished the song I stood up and walked back to my seat. I am very good with playing instruments I can play piano, drums, guitar both kinds and many more and people say I am really talented.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I just finished my education and Yasmin left about 5 minutes ago and I am now in the kitchen when I heard my phone buzz I looked who it was and it was Ross.


Ross: hey Laur I want to know if I could come over tonight with my friend 

I texted Ross back.

Laura: sure Ross that's fine 

I put my phone away and thought who could his friend be.

*After 3 hours*

There was a knock on my front door and I opened the door and it revealed Ross and a girl with brown hair behind him.

Ross: hey

Laura: hey

???: hey Laura

Laura: umm do I know you?

???: it's me Mia 

Laura: Mia? The girl who use to be my best friend?

Mia: yeah

Laura: hey

Mia: hey

I let them both in and we walked to my living room and we had a talk and Mia told me what I missed when I wasn't there that place hasn't changed.

End of POV

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