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Laura's POV

It's been 4 years since Ethan and Nathan have been put in jail for what happened anyway me and Ross are stronger than ever but we have had a falling out once or twice some were out of jealously but it is mostly out of anger.

The one that was worst was when I was talking to a guy and Ross got jealous and what hurt he actually broke up with me then after a few days he wanted to get back with me.


Laura: oh hi

Guy: hi

Laura: I'm sorry for bumping into you

Guy: no it was my fault I was on the phone to my girlfriend

Laura: I'm Laura

Guy: I'm Jason

Laura: nice to meet you

Jason: you too

Laura: I haven't seen you around here

Jason: I'm new I moved here 2 days ago and I decided to look around

Laura: *smiles*

Jason: I better go

Laura: bye Jason

Jason then walked away and I walked the other way I then saw Ross I smiled.

Laura: hey Ross

Ross: we need to talk but it will have to be at home

Laura: umm okay

We got in his car and he drove to my house since Vanessa is out.

*At Laura's house*

He pulled up and we both got out and walked inside my house once Ross was inside I closed the door.

Laura: what's wrong?

Ross: why were you talking to that guy

Laura: you mean Jason

Ross: I don't care what his name was I want to know why you were talking to him

Laura: we bumped into each other

Ross: yeah sure

Laura: *scoffs* are you saying that I'm cheating on you because if you are I swear you can leave this fucking house and never come back

Ross: fine we are over Laura

Then he stormed out of my house and I slammed the door behind him.

*2 days later*

I woke up to a phone call which played 'hey brother' I looked at the ID and saw it was my step brother I picked up the phone.

*Phone call*

Laura: *yawns* what do you want?

Adam: can't I talk to my step sister

Laura: yeah but not when I just woke up

Adam: it's 10am

Laura: so? I didn't go bed till late

Adam: alright I'll call you later

Laura: good

*End of phone call*

I placed my phone back down then my phone started going off again this time it played 'smile' I looked at the ID and it was Ross.

*Phone call*

Laura: what?

Ross: Laura I'm sorry

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