Meeting Mrs Lynch and Mr. Lynch

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Ross's PoV

I can't stop thinking about that girl she is so beautiful I didn't see her at school. Does she go a different school? Was she off ill if she does go to that school?

I got woken up and realised it was Saturday I smiled. I then heard music playing I looked out my window and saw a girl it was the same girl from last night she was playing her music but not as loud as yesterday. I got out of bed and took a shower and changed into a blue v-neck top with black jeans with a pair of yellow high tops.

I then had a phone call off Calum

Phone convo

Ross: hello

Calum: hey Ross

Ross: hey what's up?

Calum: me and Raini were wondering if you wanted to go to the beach?

Ross: sure

Calum: great we'll come by your house

Ross: alright

End of phone convo

I put my phone away.

End of POV

Laura's PoV

I woke up and saw the time oh no it's the time my Uncle gets home if he's been drinking. I took a shower and then I changed into a white crop top with black skinny jeans and a pair of black heeled boots that go to my calf I brushed my hair and then I heard the door open.

???: where are you brat!!

I was scared I don't wear makeup because if I did then if my uncle hit me then it will smudge but I won't wear makeup anyway.

I slowly opened my bedroom door and walked downstairs and I saw my uncle he was drunk oh great.

Laura's uncle: come here

I slowly walked up to him and he grabbed me then slapped me I held my cheek after he slapped me he punched me in the stomach and I fell on the floor he kicked me again and walked into the kitchen I never go out because of the cuts, bruises and the scars that show on my face, body, arms and legs.

I slowly stood up and slowly walked up the stairs and sat on my bed I had my music playing I sighed.

End of POV

Ross's PoV

Calum and Raini came by my house and before I left my room I saw the girl in her room again she had her phone and headphones in and she sat on her bed I walked downstairs and got in Calum's car.

Calum: you'll love it at the beach

Raini: yeah it's really good

I nodded but my mind is still on that girl.

Calum: what's on your mind?

Ross: nothing

Raini: you sure?

Ross: *nods* yeah

Calum pulled up and we all got out and I followed Calum and Raini.

Calum: how do you like your neighbourhood?

Ross: it's good but the girl next door is quiet

Raini: she might be one of those people who keeps to themselves

End of POV

Laura's PoV

I heard the front door open and then slam shut I stood up and took my headphones off and slowly walked downstairs I mostly stay upstairs when my uncle is home.

I got downstairs and heard the doorbell rang I saw the marks on my face I quickly hid the marks and then I opened the door.

Laura: hi

???: hi

Laura: what can I help you with?

???: me and my family are new to the neighbourhood and we would want to introduce ourselves.

Laura: *smiles*

???: my name is Stormie Lynch and this is my husband Mark

Laura: nice to meet you I'm Laura

Stormie: what a beautiful name

Laura: thank you

Mark: is your parents home?

Laura: umm no they are at work

Stormie: okay *smiles* nice to meet you though Laura

Laura: *smiles*

Stormie: I've got to go

Laura: bye Mrs Lynch

Stormie: bye Laura

Mrs Lynch walked away I closed the door and I slid down the door and sighed I really want to get out of this place and start somewhere new but I can't because I'm scared that my uncle will find me and drag me back here or will even kill me.

I have never left this house because I'm so scared I don't even go outside the back into the yard I'm scared that my uncle will see me and plus we have a fence and I could climb over the fence but I am frightened.

I stood up and walked into the living room and watched a bit of tv I heard a car engine from next door I ignored it.

End of POV

Ross's PoV

I got back to my house with Calum and Raini.

Stormie: hello Ross

Ross: hi mum

Calum & Raini: hi Mrs Lynch

Ross: where's dad?

Stormie: he's upstairs

Ross: okay we'll be outside the back

Stormie: okay

We walked outside the back and sat on the grass.

Calum: what did you think of today?

Ross: it was fun

Raini: where are you from?

Ross: I'm from New York really

Calum: I heard New York is good

Ross: it is but my dads work transferred him over here and my mum chose this house.

Raini: have you heard anything from that girl next door?

Ross: no it's strange I wanna know if she goes our school.

Raini: what does she look like?

Ross: she looks around 5ft something, brown hair with blonde highlights.

Calum: nope we haven't seen her at school and we see everyone

Ross: I wonder then who is she

Raini: I'm sure we'll find out soon

Ross: *nods*

We were talking about today.

End of POV

Laura's PoV

I sighed I heard laughter I wish I could be like that again but thanks to my past I daren't go out of the house doesn't matter if it involves my uncle or anything I'm still scared to go out of the house since I haven't been out in ages.

End of POV

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