2 months later

95 1 0

Laura's PoV

I have questions off Vanessa, Raini, Mia and Rydel asking about me and Ross and sometimes it's about me and Ethan they all want to know who I like more or who I would go out with but before I could answer they already say the answer and to be honest they are sometimes right they said Ethan once I was like no he's a friend then they said Ross and I was blushing on the inside because if I showed them that I was blushing they would tease me about it.

Mia: hey Laura

Laura: hey Mia

Mia: you and Ross hanging out today?

Laura: no not today

Mia: I bet you're upset about that

Laura: *rolls eyes*

Raini: awe 

Laura: really?

Mia: we told you that you and Ross are different around each other now

Laura: we are friends

Mia: Laura wake up Ross likes you a lot more than a friend 

Laura: Mia remember

Mia: I know but I can tell when a guy likes a girl

Laura: I'm sure you do 

Mia: Ross likes you more than he has ever liked a girl 

Raini: besides we can tell on your face that you like Ross than Ethan

Mia: true

Laura: girls we are friends just .....

Raini: keep telling yourself that

I saw a figure looking around I was about to pass out because of the figure it looks like my uncle I ran.

Mia: Laura!

I hid in the closet and held my breath I don't want him to find me.

End of POV

Mia's POV

Laura ran I instantly rang Ross.

*Phone convo*

Ross: hello

Mia: Ross come to Laura's

Ross: why?

Mia: something is wrong

Ross: alright I'm coming

*End of phone call*

After 10 minutes Ross ran into the house and he had a worried look on his face.

Ross: what's wrong?

Mia: we were talking to Laura and next thing she went pale then she ran

Ross: which way?

Mia: down there 

I pointed to where Laura ran so Ross ran that way.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I ran down the route that Laura ran I think I know where she is I made my way to the closet I opened the door and I saw Laura in the corner I walked in and shut the door.

Ross: hey Laura

Laura: Ross?

Ross: yes it's me 

Laura: he's out to get me

Ross: who?

Laura: my uncle I saw him looking around 

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