Laura gets bullied

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Laura's POV

I have been to that school for 2 weeks it is okay I am still scared of the people there when they come near me like real close it scares me like they are gonna hit me and I have Ross by my side for that he is such a sweetheart anyway right now I am walking down the corridor with Raini since Ross is with Calum on the football team I was wearing a white tank top with frills on the front with a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of brown short heeled boots and to top it off I wore a blue demin jacket.

Raini: want to see the guys on the field?

Laura: sure

We walked to the field.

*On the filed*

We walked on the field and saw the team warming up we sat on the bleachers.

Raini: I'm gonna talk to Calum

I nodded my head and she ran to Calum she doesn't know about what happened to me and neither does Calum to be honest I don't want them to know. I then felt someone behind me so I looked around and saw no one so I shrugged the feeling off when I got pushed off the bleachers and I hit the steel since me and Raini chose to sit on the middle bench I heard laughing.

Taylor: see bitch when you get in my way I will get you

She then walked off with Sophia I stood up and dusted myself off and I got a mirror out of my jacket and checked my face and I saw a bruise forming great I looked closer and I saw a cut on my chin oh great just great first a bruise and now a cut ugh. I then saw Ross running over to me I also saw Ethan running over to me.

Ross and Ethan got to me at the same time.

Ross: what are you doing here Jones?

Ethan: what are you doing here Lynch?

Ross: it's not your business why I am here

Ethan: then it's not your business on why I am here

I sighed and Ethan quickly looked at me.

Ethan: Laura what's wrong?

Ross: you don't care about her you just want to hurt her

Ethan: what the fuck mate that isn't me

Ross: *rolls eyes* yeah whatever

I quickly got out of the argument and ran into the school I went to the girls bathroom and sorted my makeup out so I covered the cut, once I stopped the bleeding, and the bruise. I then walked out of the bathroom and I saw Raini running this way she had a worried expression on her face.

Laura: Raini what's wrong?

Raini: you have to see this

Laura: what is it?

Raini: Ross and Ethan look like they are gonna tear each other apart

I ran and Raini followed me. I got to the field and ran to the fellas and stood in between them.

Laura: fellas what's going on?

Ethan: Laura can you please tell your friend to back off a bit 

Laura: Ross back off 

Ross backed off a little I looked at them.

Ethan: me and Ross have a rivarly it started on the second week he was here

Ross: yeah because you attacked Calum 

Ethan: I told you I wasn't going for him I was going for Thomas 

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