Laura starts to like Ross

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Ross's POV

I'm at Calum's house while Laura is back at hers yeah her uncle has gone it was him so he's back in jail for what he did. 

Calum: how are you going with the crush on Laura?

Ross: horrible I want to tell her that I love her but I can't because Ethan will get in the way but also she might not feel the same about me

Calum: with the Ethan thing it could be easy

Ross: no it won't

Calum: why not?

Ross: well I sorta promised Laura that I won't start a fight with Ethan

Calum: ah 

Ross: yeah and even if I do start a fight with Ethan while Laura isn't around Ethan will tell her and I can't lose her as a friend 

Calum: I know 

Ross: I seriously need to get Ethan out of the picture 

Calum: but how?

Ross: that I haven't thought about yet.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I'm with Ethan he just showed up at my door asking if we could hang out I couldn't say no and besides he brought chocolates again.

Ethan: I'm so glad that you said yes to hanging out with me

Laura: me too

I faked a smile which he didn't notice the only person who can tell between my real and fake smile is Ross and I wish he was here...... oh my gosh I like Ross.

Ethan: are you okay Laur?

Laura: yeah I'm fine 

Ethan: good 

Laura: so where are we going?

Ethan: I was thinking to the beach 

Laura: okay

Ethan pulled up and we both got out and he tried to hold my hand I rejected everytime he tried.

Laura: please don't hold my hand

Ethan: okay I'm sorry

Laura: it's okay

We walked along the beach I saw people smiling and playing I also saw some people doing a love heart towards me and Ethan hold on I recognise them it was my old school friends they ran over to me.

???: Laura 

Laura: hey Aaron

Aaron: did you miss us?

Laura: yeah 

???: is that Laurie 

I smiled at Owen he gave me that nickname.

Laura: hey Owen

Owen: hey Georgia, Sam, Lucy, Amelia it's Laura

They ran over to us and hugged me.

Ethan: hey Laur who's this?

Laura: my old group of school friends 

Owen: you haven't replaced us?

Laura: no 

Amelia: hey I saw Mia and another girl by her side

Laura: that's Raini 

Lucy: come on

Ethan: *sees Ross* Lynch *grits through his teeth*

I walked away with the girls I don't think Ethan has noticed yet.

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