Asking Laura out

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Ross's POV

I have had my brothers talking to me about how I should ask Laura out.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I have had the girls asking me what would I do if Ross asked me out I don't say a thing but then they get the message of what I will say I don't want to tell them that I would say yes because they will squel anyway I woke up to my music being played huh? I didn't have my music playing last night I sat up and saw Vanessa.

Laura: what the hell?

Vanessa: what?

Laura: starters how did you get in my house and second why did you put my music on?

Vanessa: first for the music I had to so I could wake you up and second you gave me a key

Laura: I didn't give you a key

Vanessa: huh I must of had the key from ages ago

Laura: what do you mean?

Vanessa: I was playing with house keys and when I got taken away I still had the key

Laura: okay but don't sneak in here 

Vanessa: okay I won't 

Laura: good now go I need to get dressed.

Vanessa: okay I'll make some breakfast for you

Laura: thank you

She walked out of my room and I got out of bed and took a shower then when I got out I brushed my teeth and changed into a black crop top with the words 'normal is boring' with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with a pair of black boots that go above my ankle I brushed my hair and walked down the stairs. 

I saw Vanessa still working on breakfast I heard the front door go so I answered it and it was Ross.

Ross: morning

Laura: morning Mr. Lynch what you doing up so early?

Ross: I couldn't sleep so I woke up really early 

Laura: what's up?

Ross: I was wondering if you want to hang out today?

Laura: sure let me just have my breakfast since Vanessa is making it but you can come in if you want

Ross nodded and stepped inside and I closed the door and we both walked into the kitchen.

Vanessa: hey Ross

Ross: hi Vanessa

Laura: *smiles*

Ross: how are you two getting on after that day?

Vanessa: we're good

Laura: yeah

Ross: *smiles*

I ate my breakfast and once I finished me and Ross walked out of the house and headed to the park.

*At the park*

Me and Ross sat on the swings.

Laura: so what do you want to do today?

Ross: anything just as long as it is with you

Laura: *smiles and blushes*

Ross: is Miss Marano blushing?

Laura: *stutters*

Ross: I think you are *smirks*

Laura: oh shut up 

Ross: *cheeky smile*

Laura: *rolls eyes playfully*

Ross: hey um Laura can I ask you something?

Laura: sure what is it?

Ross: I was wondering if you wanted to go out 

Laura: like on a date?

Ross: yeah it's okay if you say no I understand

Laura: I would love to 

Ross: *smiles* I'll pick you up at 7 tonight

Laura: okay 

Ross: great 

Laura: *smiles*

I hugged Ross and then Ross moved me around I was confused then I saw a knife on the ground and a guy with a hoodie was smirking.

Ross: hey!

???: Laura you will be mine 

I recognise the voice and it was Ethan I hugged Ross even more.

Ross: leave us alone Ethan 

Ethan: not until Laura is mine

Laura: Ethan I told you I only see you as a friend you're sweet but I don't like you in that way 

Ethan: I don't want to be just friends Laura I love you and soon you will love me 

Laura: I won't Ethan 

Ethan: time will tell Laura

Then he ran away.

Laura: why won't he give up I don't like him in that way

Ross: Ethan gets physco if he doesn't get what he wants and everyone is scared of him because of it plus he rarely goes near girls or anyone somehow he chose you

Laura: I can't believe that about him I thought he was sweet

Ross: he's sweet at first then he goes all freaky on a girl he sometimes makes the girls say yes to him

Laura: what if he does that to me

Ross: he won't touch you 

Laura: thank you Ross

Ross: hey I said that I would protect you ever since that day and I mean it

Laura: *smiles*

Ross: don't worry about him

Laura: but what if he hurts you?

Ross: trust me Laura if he tries to attack me he will be the one on the floor not me

Laura: I'm glad that you saved me

Ross: I am glad that I met you and saved you

Laura: you are so sweet Ross

Ross: yeah everyone tells me 

Laura: well it's true 

Ross: it means something coming from you

Laura: *giggles*

Ross: *smiles*

We walked around the town just talking away when it came 5 in the afternoon we went home.

End of POV

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