I'm your sister

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Laura's POV

This girl is really weird she comes here saying my name then says that I'm all grown up and I don't even know her.

Laura: I'll ask you again do I know you?

???: my name is Vanessa Marano I'm your sister

Laura: are you insane?

Vanessa: what?

Laura: you're not my sister I never had a sister 

Vanessa: I was taken away when I was 3 years old

Laura: yeah right like I would believe a story like that

I then closed the door on the girl I walked into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast seriously a random girl comes here and says that she is my sister nu uh I don't think so I never had a sister I was an only child.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Laura closed the door and the girl so I walked out of the house and walked up to her.

Ross: excuse me but are you okay?

???: I'm fine 

Ross: why were you talking to Laura?

???: I'm Vanessa Marano her sister but she doesn't believe me

Ross: if you're her sister what happened?

Vanessa: what do you mean?

Ross: like why weren't you here?

Vanessa: I got taken away when I was 3 years old I don't know why but I found out I had a younger sister when I was 16 but I couldn't leave until I was 18 so I left and now I'm 22 I needed to find Laura I finally did but she doesn't even know me.

Ross: come on I'll help you

Vanessa: you believe me?

Ross: in a way but firs.....

I heard a car horn I saw it was and it was my sibilings they ran over to me.

Rydel: Ross 

Riker: where were you when we last came

Ross: I was with Laura 

Rocky: ooo

Ross: oh whatever

Riker: what's gotten into you

Ross: *rolls eyes*

Ryland: who's this *points to Vanessa*

Ross: this is Vanessa Marano

Rydel: let's have a girl talk

Ross: actually I'm helping Vanessa reconnect with her sister 

Riker: I can keep her company

Ross: back off

We walked away.

Vanessa: are they your sibilings?

Ross: yup

Vanessa: before you do anything Ross just remember this that you will need your family doesn't matter if it's sibilings, parents or aunts and uncles you will always need them

Ross: I know 

Vanessa: *smiles*

Ross: right let's go 

Vanessa: where?

Ross: Laura's house 

Vanessa: so what are you gonna do?

Ross: the best thing I can do is that you, Laura and me will be in Laura's house and see what I can do for that

Vanessa: okay

I texted Laura.


Laura I'm coming over to yours is that okay?

From Ross

To Ross

Yeah that's fine just come in don't need to knock

From Laura

To Laura


From Ross

Me and Vanessa went to Laura's house I walked in and Vanessa followed.

Laura: hey Ross I have just had this gir..... *sees Vanessa* what is she doing here?

Ross: Laura I believe that you and Vanessa are sisters

Laura: we aren't sisters Ross

Ross: you are Laura now I don't want to fall out with you Laur but I can see in both of your faces that you're sisters 

Laura: I don't want to fall out with you either Ross but I don't believe it

Vanessa: Laura I am telling the truth I would've found you earlier but I couldn't since I only found out about you when I was 16 

Laura: oh really

Vanessa: I can prove it

Laura: how?

I saw Vanessa go in her pocket and brought out a copy of a family tree and gave it Laura.

Laura: you could've staged that

Vanessa: Laura it took me 2 hours to sort that out I had to go through everything to show you this

Laura: Vanessa I'm sorry but I don't believe you

Ross: what if you spend some time with each other and get to know each other better

Laura: *sighs* fine

Ross: if you want me ring or text me

Laura: alright

I walked out of the house and headed back to mine and saw my brothers and sister are still here I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Stormie: Ross come here!

I walked over to my mum.

Ross: yes mum

Stormie: Riker told me that you had ago at him and the others

Ross: yes it is true mum but I was sorting something out

Stormie: like what?

Ross: this girl called Vanessa came to Laura's claiming to be her sister and I told them that they look similar so I said that they should spend some time together and see what they have in common.

Stormie: that's sweet of you Ross

Ross: thanks mun

Stormie: but please don't have a go at your brothers and sister

Ross: I won't next time.

I walked out of the kitchen and walked to my room and sat on my bed then I checked my social media.

End of POV

Riker's POV

Ross walked away with Vanessa I think that was her name so when he was out of sight me and the others walked inside the house.

Stormie: hello sweetheart

Riker: hi mum I need to tell you something

Stormie: what's wrong?

Riker: we just saw Ross and he had a go at us 

Stormie: did he have any reason?

Riker: I didn't hear a reason for it and the others didn't either

Stormie: I'll have a word with him when he gets back 

Riker: okay thanks mum

She smiled at me then I walked away from her and went into the living to see Rydel with Ratliff, Ryland and Rocky teasing each other I sat by Rocky.

End of POV

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