2 weeks later

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Laura's POV

My uncle has been really angry lately so he drinks and then takes it out on me so I don't let any of my friends well Ross or Mia come over sometimes Yasmin comes over to give me some lessons but not very much since I told her that I'm fine because I don't want them to see me like this since this is worser than the past times he's hit me the scars on my face, arms and legs scar now i have brusies and I think I broke a few bones and I've lost a lot of blood. The abuse is also verbal but mostly physically anyway I am now in my room in a corner because my uncle just came and hit me I need to get out of here but I can't because I'm scared that he will find me.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Something isn't right with Laura she doesn't text me back anymore, she doesn't want to hang out anymore this isn't Laura I want to know what's wrong I want to help her anyway right now I am in my room I decided to text Laura.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I have my phone by my side and I had my music playing I then had a text I checked it and it was from Ross.


Hey Laur I really want to know what is going on because I am really worried about you, I can tell something is wrong just please tell me because I am here for you.

From Ross

Awe he is so sweet I want to tell him but I am afraid that if I did he will run and won't speak to me again I sighed and ignored the text and went back to listening to music I don't want to message Ross back I know Ross is my best friend and that he should know that I'm okay but I daren't but then again he could tell that something else is going on but it is always the same I have someone to help me and bring me back to normal without them knowing then it goes downhill and my uncle gets involved and brings me down.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I had Mia over and we are both worried about Laura.

Mia: I hope Laura is okay but I want to know what is she hiding from us

Ross: not sure but I want to find out 

Mia: so do I this isn't the girl I met ages ago

We carried on talking about Laura and how we can help her with whatever is bothering her

End of POV

Laura's POV

I am still in my room listening to music I got another text but this time it was off Mia it read.


Laura please answer me and Ross we are really worried about you just please answer us we want to help you

From Mia

I sighed and thought I might have to text them back telling them I'm fine I'm just really busy.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Mia had a text she smiled.

Ross: who is it?

Mia: it's Laura

Ross: what does it say?

Mia: Mia and Ross I am fine I'm just really busy lately I promise nothing is going on 

Ross: do you believe that?

Mia: no not a single word 

End of POV

Laura's POV

I turned my phone off all together I just put my stereo on and played music but very low. I saw the time it was about 9pm I got into the shower and the scars stung I seezed in pain. 

I got out of the shower and changed into my pj's I'm tired so I turned my music off and got in bed and fell asleep as soon as I turned the light out.

End of POV

Ross's POV

Mia had just left my house I saw Laura's bedroom light turn out and then I looked at the time it was 9:45pm I better go bed.

End of POV

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