Ross and Laura meet

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Laura's POV

I am so bored anyway right now I had the song 'F.F.F' by Bebe I then heard a bang and I heard yelling oh no he's home I turned my music off and then I heard my door bang open I saw my uncle ..... great he then grabbed me and pushed me to the ground and I hit my head on the ground.

I was about to stand up but he pushed me back down again I again hit my head on the door this time. 

Laura's uncle: you brat 

He slapped me I was about to hold my cheek but he grabbed my hands then he let me go I had fear in my eyes which isn't unsual I'm always frightened of him even when I was younger anyway he kicked my stomach and then walked down the stairs and slammed the front door shut I slowly stood up and held my head then there was a knock on the door I slowly walked down the stairs and opened the door and saw the blonde guy from the other day.

???: hey 

Laura: umm hi 

???: I heard a massive noise and I was wondering if everything was okay

Laura: *smiles* I'm fine and everything is fine

???: the name is Ross Lynch and if you need anything I only live next door 

Laura: I'm Laura Marano 

Ross: nice to meet you

Laura: nice to meet you too

Ross: umm do you want to go to the park maybe you could show me around a little more?

Go outside? I can't.

Laura: oh umm I can't I have some things to do

Ross: okay maybe some other time

Laura: yeah

Ross then turned around and left I closed the door I sighed that was so close.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I was in my room I heard music being played and then it was turned off then after a few minutes I heard a massive bang I quickly got up and ran downstairs I opened the front door and went next door and the girl opened the door and told me everything is fine I know I've just met her but I can easily tell that she was lying so I played along. 

I then walked back to my house and I saw my mum in the kitchen.

Ross: have you seen the girl next door mum?

Stormie: yeah I have 

Ross: what did you think of her?

Stormie: she is such a nice girl

Ross: didn't you think something was off?

Stormie: no why do you ask sweetie?

Ross: I heard something from her house so I went to see what went on and ask if everything was okay she said she was but she had a nervous tone in her voice that's when I said do you want to go to the park and she could show me around more but she said that she can't because she has things to do.

Stormie: I'm sure she does have things to do Ross but I bet she will show you around another time

Ross: I guess I know I have just met her but I already know that she was lying to me 

Stormie: Ross if you get close to Laura and become friends with her like you have with Calum and Raini and maybe she might tell you what's wrong all you have to do is let her know that you will be there for her no matter what.

Ross: thanks mum

She nodded and smiled then I went to my room I need to think of way to become friends with Laura then I can help her because I am really worried about her.

I heard her music go again but this time it was me, myself and I playing I opened my window and went on the balcony to look at the view that there was from my house.

Stormie: Ross! Calum and Raini are here!

Ross: let them up!

My bedroom door opened and in walked Calum and Raini they smiled.

Calum: hey

Ross: hey

Raini: do you want to hang out at the park?

Ross: I can't got a couple of things to do

Calum: okay maybe another time

Ross: yeah

Raini: okay

They walked out of my room and I turned to face the view again I am really curious about Laura.

End of POV

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