One year later

190 3 0

Laura's POV

Nothing has changed in my life except that me and Ross have become a lot closer nearly every weekend he comes over well when my uncle isn't here I don't want Ross over if he's here I know what he is like anyway I woke up to the sun shinning through my curtains I got out of bed and took a shower then I changed into a white crop top with dark blue skinny jeans with a pair of darkish brown heeled boots that go above my ankle. I brushed my hair and curled it then there was a knock on the front door I walked out of my room and went downstairs I opened the front door and saw Ross.

Laura: hey

Ross: hey

Laura: what's up?

Ross: I was wondering if you would want to come to the park with me?

Laura: oh umm I can't I have to clean my room 

That was a total lie since I cleaned my room yesterday

Ross: really?

Laura: yeah

Ross: okay maybe some other time

Laura: yeah

Ross: okay

Ross walked away I feel bad but if my uncle came home and I was out and when I came back home and he was drunk then I don't know what will happen I know what he is like. I walked upstairs and put on some music like 'perfect by P!nk' I really wish Ross would see what my uncle is truly like and what he does to me but I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

I heard the front door open and slammed shut *sighs* he's been drinking.

Laura's uncle: WHERE ARE YOU!!!

I sighed and stood up and walked down the stairs and when he saw me he smirked oh great what's gonna happen.

Laura's uncle: come here

I slowly walked down the stairs and slowly up to him.

Laura: yes

Laura's uncle: *hits Laura*

Laura: *holds her stomach*

Laura's uncle: you're weak

I rolled my eyes in my head I just want someone to see what he does to me

Laura's uncle: you are so weak, stupid and you can't even speak up no one will want you 

That hurt but then again I'm used to it he says that a lot when he's drunk and same with the physical abuse.

Laura's uncle: no to bed!

I sighed and walked up the stairs in pain but I didn't show it I keep dreaming of someone coming to save me and I have a feeling that the someone is close to me. I could be mistaken though I need to get out of here but for now I can't I just want to go outside.

End of POV

Ross's POV

I heard yelling from Laura's house it sounded like her uncle yelling but at what? I'm not sure but I need to find out to help Laura because when she says she is fine I don't believe her she is my best friend and I want to save her. My parents are out again so I'm home alone I don't want to go to Laura's yet maybe tomorrow I didn't ask her what school she goes to maybe she goes to our school I hope so.

I saw the time it was 9:29pm I have school tomorrow I better get some sleep becausde knwoing me I will stay up late so I wrote a note so when my parents come home telling them that I've gone bed. I then walked upstairs and got ready then I got in bed and fell asleep as soon as I turned my light out and when my head hit the pillow I am really tired.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I opened my bedroom door and closed the curtains and then closed my bedroom door I got ready for bed then I was lying in bed I heard the front door open and slam shut he's gone I had my music playing it was sort of like emo sort of music the song that was playing is 'let me die' by lil happy lil sad. I checked my phone and sorted it out for tomorrow and then I turned my light out and fell asleep.

End of POV 

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