A friend of Laura's returns

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Laura's POV

I woke up to things moving around downstairs I got out of bed took a shower and then I changed into a peachy white strapless top with a black skirt with a pair of black heeled boots I brushed my teeth and my hair then I made my bed and walked downstairs and saw Ross and his brothers working on the broken glass window.

Laura: Ross I said I could do that

Ross: *stops* Laura when have I ever listened?

Laura: good point just don't get hurt

Ross: we won't

Ross went back to work while I walked into the kitchen and got myself some breakfast I was shocked when I saw Amy she saw me and smiled.

Amy: Laura 

Laura: Amy I thought you were on tour with the others

Amy: I was but I'm out due to a injury

Laura: oh are you okay now?

Amy: I'll be fine I've been in worst situations

Laura: yeah

Amy: so I saw this blonde his name is Ross

Laura: yeah my best friend 

Amy: oooo 

Laura: *playfully rolls eyes* what about you and Matt is it?

Amy: yeah Matt is with his brother in their locker room 

Laura: let me guess you face timed him before you came here

Amy: I said I would 

Laura: what is his brother's name?

Amy: his na.......

Ross then walked in.

Ross: hey Laura 

Laura: yeah

Ross: come have a look

Laura: okay

I followed Ross to the broken glass and it was brand new I was shocked.

Laura: wow Ross it looks brand new

Ross: *smiles* I told you I would help you with this

Laura: *smiles*

Rydel: Laura who was that girl in your kitchen?

Laura: her name is Amy

I then heard Amy's voice.

Amy: hey Matt

Laura: one second

I walked into the kitchen and scared Amy.

Amy: Laura don't do that

Laura: who you talking to?

Amy: Laura meet Matt

Laura: hi Matt

Matt: hi Laura

Amy: where's Jeff?

Matt: he's against Edge

Amy: oh I hope he is okay you know what Edge is like

Matt: yeah I'll be down to the ring if he tries anything

Laura: bye Matt 

Matt: bye Laura nice meeting you

Laura: same to you

I smiled at Amy then left the room I walked to Ross and hugged him.

Laura: thanks Ross

Ross: no problem

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